Teaching and Learning - Do Both in Life

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Teaching and learning is normally a two-way street. We must do both during our life. If you learned and gained a lot of knowledge, you naturally want to give it back through teaching. Of course, many of us claim to be life-long learners.

Thus, teaching is a noble profession, but not everyone does it well. The best teachers are hands-on and not just standing in front of the classroom lecturing. They take the time to show you how it’s done. Teaching is like leadership, which means doing it by example instead of giving out orders or instruction.

Learning isn’t always easy. This is especially true if you’re not interested in a subject. Yet, there have been times I took more away from a class subject I disliked because of who taught it. Learning takes practice and repetition. If you continuously do something repeatedly numerous times, you can’t help but learn.

I don’t suggest you become a teacher unless you’ve heard from several sources that you do it well and have a gift for it. In respect to learning, there are some people that can’t except to provide for their basic needs of food, water, and shelter. Seeing these kind of people hurts me inside.

Teaching and Wealthy Affiliate

Many of you here are excellent teachers and share your knowledge well. Kyle is a superb teacher with all the videos and content he provides here at WA. He’s basically teaching us how to teach customers about products and services that we provide.

It could also be something we have bought for ourselves from a third party that we’re selling to others through teaching them about that product. This is the basic precept of being an affiliate. It’s always suggested that you buy something before trying to sell it to others though.

Teaching happens when your content gives information and knowledge about your product and/or services and/or the products or services of a third party to another person or persons. My understanding is having the right content and a lot of it gives you a better chance of selling.

We must understand that when we get a customer to buy something, we’re teaching them. It’s always up to the customer to buy, but if they bought something from us that they didn’t really want or need, it isn’t our fault.

Learning and Wealthy Affiliate

Learning is something I see a lot here at WA. It’s full of learning resources. Plus, many of the members teach you things. When you build a website around a niche, and it doesn’t end up doing well, you learn.

Learning is a process, which includes making mistakes. I admit that I’ve made the same mistake more than once before I learned. If the mistake occurs continuously, then go to something else altogether. That topic, niche, or problem you’re trying to solve isn’t for you.

Everyone can’t do everything well, but most of us can do at least one thing superbly. We do have the capacity to learn something and become an expert at it. If you find a niche that you want to get into and don’t know a lot about, this is the time to research and learn.

Don’t get into a niche because you’ve heard there is a lot of money to be earned from it. Do it because you enjoy it or have some interest in and want to try. Make it a point to learn something every day within your niche.

The Art of Persuasion

I’m sharing this because I’ve taken some courses and read quite a few books on copywriting. There’s a process for not only having enough content on your website but writing it correctly.

1. Attention. Your headline and first part of your post or copy should grab the readers attention to make them want to read further.

2. Interest. You must get them interested in what you have to offer. This is where you provide benefits and give them reason to buy. It may include testimonials.

3. Desire. Next you make the customer want to buy your product or service and give them the best reason for doing so. It’s sometimes called your unique selling point or USP.

4. Action. This is where your customer acts because of everything you did before in your copy. It may be hitting the buy button, adding to their cart, or taking them to your affiliate link to make a purchase thus giving you a commission.

Remember this acronym, AIDA, when writing your content in making a sell through your affiliate link or product or service that you offer.

The Headline Can Make or Break You

The headline has always been a problem I’ve had trouble with, but the with the keyword research option given here at WA, it’s much easier now.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of the 4 U’s for your headlines, but here they are.

1. Useful. Make it something useful to your audience or customer.

2. Unique. Something the makes it different from everyone else.

3. Ultra-Specific. Don’t beat around the bush but point out specifically what it’s about.

4. Urgent. Do it now or say there aren’t very many remaining.

If you can get 3 out of 4 of these in your headline, you’re doing super.

Final Thoughts

Teaching and learning within Wealthy Affiliate can take some time. But if you’ve already learned some things like I’ve done before joining, you can possibly teach.

Experience is the best teacher and getting out there and showing the world you’re awesome is key to making your life better.

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