Choosing Your Niche


I have attended a webinar on one of my affiliate and I'd like to share about the 4 Major Categories that you can think of when deciding for a niche. Hope this helps.

Four Major Categories are :

1. Health

2. Relationships

3. Money

4. General Interest

Remember that these are not niches to target; they are broad categories that 99% of the most successful niches fall into. You want to break down each category into potential niche topics.

For Health, break this down into the following niches: ž

Nutrition, Stress Management, Muscle Gain, Anti-Aging, Natural/Alternative Beliefs, Specific Health Problems, Vanity Niches

For Relationships, break this down into the following Niches: ž

Getting Your Ex Back, Dating For Women,Dating For Men, Marriage, Sexuality,ž Body Language, Parenting
ž For Money, break this down into the following Niches: ž

Real Estate, Investing and Trading, Money Mindset,Start or Grow an Online Business, ž Small Business Marketing Online, ž Time Management

For General Interest, break this down into the following Niches: ž

Pets, Survival, DFY (Done For You) ž Music, Magic,Sports

Now, with many of the niches just listed that belong to the 4 main categories, You can also break them down into sub-niches.

For example, in the Health category, the Nutrition niche, this is a large niche and it can encompass many topics, you can also break this down and target a sub-niche of Nutrition such as the Paleo Diet.

Sub-niches are pockets within a niche where there is a lot of potential.

Other niches stand best on their own without drilling deeper and finding sub- niches.

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I have a blog that details 187 areas or niches that are working now. in 2016 we are going to branch into four new areas. I have to webmasters working on two of the sides now and I will assign two more today. these are billion dollar areas that we just happened to have some expertise in otherwise we would not even touch them.

This is fantastic, I will read your blog. Thank you

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