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Just started my second website! Now you may well say that I am biting off more than I can chew I tend to do that at tiimes. What I do in those instances is chew like mad..... Let me tell you how this latest occurence happened.

I had a whole lot of material I had produced over the years. The subject matter is personal development. I was looking to put that up on a website and shre it with the world ( hey, don't thatnk me , that's just the type of guy I am) I had a real time of it trying to work out ways to monetise my site so, without going into the long drawn out story of what went before, I ended up here at WA.

Problem was the material I had written (which, by the way is pretty good, even if I do say myself) was not really conducive to what I had been learning here, (for example how on earth do you find an image for the key word self esteem?)

Then it struck me. Once I had recovered from my injuries I decided to start a second website on a topic that is still very dear to my heart, and fits hand in glove with my true passion. I still love what I am doing as I work on this second one, but I'm busier than a one armed paper hanger with hives.

Listening to Kyle speak on his first live training the other evening, I noticed he had moved on from some of his previous ventures because he lost interest in them (please correct me if I am wrong, Kyle) . I thought to myself "Self, you are putting a lot of effort in here, don't you dare leose interest and give up on this one (I have been known to do that myself!)

What I am saying in all this is get comfortable with your niche and stick with it, through thick and thin until you achieve. I'm sure Kyle achieved something with his previous adventures, but there are some people who just seem to lurch from one thing to another, never giving any one them a decent chance.

I've read on a lot of WA members money goals comments like "as long as it takes" or "until I succeed" and similar sentiments. Well , make sure you hold yourself to that because it truly is the only way to go!

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Hi Graham and thanks for this post! I have to remind myself constantly not to loose faith in my niche and in the entire business model. It's hard! I failed (and semi-failed) quite a few times before, and even though I try to develop a "good relationship with failure", I'm still afraid of it! This community is so cool for the occasional "reality check" - and to realize that one is not alone! Good luck with your second venture!!!


I think the "socialisation " process we go through when we first start school does us a real disservice. We learn that failing is to be avoided because it has negative consequences when in reality all failing does is tell us we have not yet mastered that particular skill or learning experience.
I suggested to some friends who are in education that it would be great if, at the beginning of each school year the teacher stood up and said "You have 50 credits towards mistakes you make and failures that you have. When you used up those fifty there will be another 50. The only stipulation is that you can only use a credit for a particular mistake once so don't keep making the same misktae over and over. AT the end of the academic year theire will be a prize for the person who has used the most credits.
How much difference would that make in our attitude towards making mistakes and failing. How many more risks would we be willing to take throughout the rest of our lives?

That's genius, Graham! I love the idea!!! Have to forward that to a friend here in Germany who is a teacher at an elementary school! *mindblown*

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