You get what you pay for and more. Problem solved! Happy 4th
This is why the WA membership is so valuable. I have an issue and within minutes it's addressed and resolved. Way to go WA site support!
You know recently I had a phone conversation with my internet service provider. More precisely one of their customer support reps. After resolving my issue he went on to offer me phone service with his company at a substantial discount from what I'm currently paying with the company I've had for 5 years or so. We're talking like $50-$60 a month less for the same service. He was a bit taken aback when I politely refused his offer until I explained. I told the gentleman that over the years I've been with nearly every cell phone service provider out there including his company and I had yet to find anyone who even came close to the level of customer service and support that I experience with my current provider. I told the rep that that alone was worth far more than any discount he might be able to offer.
The point of this rant is simply that you can't put a price on top-notch customer service and support! Some companies do it well...others it's non-existent. Thank you WA site support for addressing my issue promptly and resolving it quickly and efficiently. No BS...just done. This is rare in todays world and it's just another reason to feel good about being associated with WA. The old familiar saying is..."you get what you pay for". In the case of Wealthy Affiliate I think you get way more than you pay for.
Recent Comments
I'm always willing to pay a little bit more for better service and support. I don't go crazy on it, but if it makes my life easier, there's no question about my decision!