Second Blog Post on Self-Help Book Reviews


So yesterday I posted a random musing on creating a second website that allows me a little more freedom in my writing as I won't be tied down to just one niche. My theory was that if I can get excited and passionate about writing again (something that rests on my shoulders, despite all the wonderful offerings of WA) that will lead to more work and effort put into my first, more niche specific site self-help book reviews.

I amaze myself sometimes, because lo and behold, post number two at self-help book reviews has finally been posted!

It's taken me a bit to make this post, as I let a lot of fear and doubt creep into my mind (something The Secret is firmly against, coincidentally) and riding the energy wave of yesterdays rash decision to start a second blog was finally what I needed to just get over it.

I stand firm in my believe that WA will work for anyone who applies it dilligently. But sometimes we need that push to believe, not in the process, but in ourselves. I hope you don't find yourself in that rut, and if you do, please comment or PM me and I would love to tell you how perfectly stupendously capable you are at being awesome.

Edited to add: I seem to be on a roll. I managed to pump out my first post on site number two as well. Whats great is the flow has me creating some impromptu poetry and photography for the image I wanted to add to the post. And I got to self-(cross)promote site number one.

Life is feeling pretty damned good, and I know it ain't even close to what's in store. ;)

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So a few things:

Don't let yourself give into doubt.

Get passionate, get energized. WA can teach you a lot of things, this post is to encourage others through my current experience to keep the motivation.

Owning two sites can be great for cross promotion.

I could type it out a little more clearly, but I like the "read-between-the-lines" approach. ;)


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