How Beautiful It Is That Life Sucks


I can't believe I let myself slip away from this powerful community for over a year. And it has been a very long year!

Let's go back a step...

Hi WA! I'm back! I may not have been around long enough to really make an impact last year, but it feels good to be apart of this monster again. Reading through posts and checking the familiar yet still amazing tools reminds me of why I felt safe and supported here. Safe to ask questions and try stuff out. Supported in taking leaps of faith and doing more than I would think I could. The immediate welcome that greeted me via messages and follows was further reassuring to this notion that WA is so very much more than training material. It's a rather large and extended family.

Like family, Wealthy Affiliate is a commitment, a test of dedication and determination. The welcome is only the start. If I were to dedicate myself to this community and remain determined in my goals I would see even greater rewards in the support of my brethren.

So why the lengthy absence? Why have I not gathered with my talented and driven family to celebrate in each others success and give myself an inspiring circle of peoples to influence me? That answer requires both delicacy and strength...

Late last year I was the victim of an assault. The kind that damages your emotional security and shakes your personal foundation. The kind that resonated with recurring themes in my life path and left me in despair. Why me? Why again? Why? WHY? In the aftermath I found myself in retreat from the world that seemed to hate me seemed only to batter me.

Of course battering is not all the world did, though in our darkest moments it's difficult to recall if we've ever known light. The world also brought out my truest friends and most cherished family. People who showed compassion when I pushed them away, and patience when I passionately made everything about me and others who had experienced what I had. I couldn't see it then. I kept my eyes closed in pain, but the light was all around me.

Whatever it is that we do...whatever goal or pursuits we each hold in our hearts and minds...we cannot give up. We do the world a disservice by not being who or what we want to be. While I had every personal right to face the pain I had endured in my own way, I drained great, dedicated people of much time and energy by not being the bubbly and open person I am. It's only been in recent months I've found a restored drive for my dreams, a renewed faith in how bright and beautiful the world is when I dare to venture into it.

One thing I know for absolute certain about WA, or working for yourself, or working online: Keep trying. Keep pushing yourself and investing your time and the tools and path and guides you find here have no choice but to succeed. That's the easy part.

The sad truth of the world is that yes, it sucks. You will get hurt and others will too. The world spinning in space and humans causing their mayhem is the easy part. In both the world and in entrepreneurial endeavors the hard part is the same: Keep trying.

I woke up last week. I woke up and I smiled in my bed. I woke up and I went to greet the day. I woke up and I saw my reflection and saw someone who's been through hell and I'm still here trying. I woke up and I saw a beautiful face, a beautiful dream, a beautiful world.

It took the worst events of my life to see that.

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Welcome back and life will get better for you.
God Bless you

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