The Need to Unplug!

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Quote of the Day:

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. “ Anne Lamott

Meaning of the Quote:

It is okay to unplug both our gadgets and ourselves for a little while. Then, we can all reconnect and will work again and that includes ourselves.

Discussion of the Quote:

It is important for us to unplug ourselves from our gadgets and the outside world. It will give us time to be intimate with ourselves. “In-to-me-see.” It is vital that we spend time with ourselves, no distractions, just ourselves. The only person that each of us has to spend the rest of our life with is ourselves. So we better get to know ourselves, every aspect of ourselves.

Additionally, it is necessary that we unplug our gadgets, appliances and what have we. Sometimes we need to reset them, let them get a break, let them cool off and just let them be unplugged for a while. They will all work once we reconnect them. So don’t be afraid to unplug both ourselves and all of our things that can be unplugged. They will all be better for it.

Final Thoughts:

Unplugging is beneficial both for humans and things. So things that can be unplugged, unplug them. Don’t be afraid that they will not work again once they are reconnected if they are in working condition, they will all work again,

We must unplug as well so that we can be intimate with ourselves and that requires that we disconnect ourselves from others, our gadgets and just focus on ourselves. We have to be silent and go into ourselves and listen to ourselves. Therefore, we have to shut out all the noise and get silent and listen. It is the only way that we can hear from ourselves.

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Works a treat with devices and works with us as well. That break can be so invigorating.

Hi Alex,

You are so right! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your valuable thoughts and experiences! Have a great day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Well said! I always turn off my laptop after lunch ' and give myself a power nap. I always feel recharged, and I'm sure my laptop does as well!!

Hi Kathy,

Thank you very much! It is great when you can do that! I appreciate your time and your valuable thoughts and experiences that you have shared. Have a fantastic day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Hi Nichola, wise words and a great quote and so very true. Thank you for sharing your insights.
All the best

Hi Tracy,

Thank you very much! You are welcome. I apprecaite your time and your valuable comment. Have a great day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Nichola, taking a break and unplugging ourselves from what is happening around us is a positive step in the right direction

Hi Simone,

Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your valuable thoughts and experiences! Have a great day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

You're welcome



You are so right, Nichola. We need an occasional break so we can refresh and reset. In the Creation story, God took a break on the 7th day!
If God can take a break, we can all benefit from one as well.
Thanks for sharing, NIchola.

Hi Dada,

Thank you! Indeed, we all do! Absolutely, he did and he called it the sabbath day! You are welcome. I appreciate your time and your valuable contribution to this discussion. Have a great day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

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