A Few Days Off to Evade Burn Out
I worked myself nearly to burn out so I took it easy the last few days. I figure that there is no rush for me to get my websites and blogs up and running. Presently I've got a few posts up on my newest site, lots of ideas on the stove bubbling away, trying to capture them on mind42.com. However between my jobs and internet marketing and social obligations, sometimes IM has to wait.
So I took it easy. I still checked in on WA to interact with the community here because I am really starting to love just the community interaction that goes on. It is fun to comment on people's blogs and see what others are doing, and every once in awhile I even get a comment of thanks on the tutorial I made last week regarding mind mapping with mind42. It feels great to contribute and its awesome to have a valuable resource to share with people. I definitely encourage others to consider building a training resource of their own.
Tonight I have some free time so I am planning to write up a few blog posts and see if I can finish up some keyword research for a new website I would like to make. I also finally got google webmaster tools set up on my newest website, natelrevoh.com. Hopefully I can get some more intricate feedback now on how to position that site.
I have decided that I need to figure out a set of boundaries for use for internet marketing. I need to frame it within a specific time frame for several reasons:
A) I have a tendency to get over involved in projects and spend disproportionate amounts of time on them working myself into an intense, frantic work pace that requires I absolutely complete the project for fear of losing inspiration and motivation. This typically leads to burn out whereupon I am completely unproductive and lose motivation to do any marketing at all.
B) I have outside responsibilities to friends and family and when I am frantically building websites and writing posts, articles, and comments left and right I tend to become a little less patient socially which is not acceptable. These are important people in my life who deserve my attention and concern. I do not want to become an obsessed marketer with a flourishing online business but alienate my current friends and family in the process.
C) There is so much potential and so many awesome things to do in the world of internet marketing that the only way to really make progress is to learn how to focus on specific tasks rather than trying to do them all. I need to learn to focus and really hone in on each aspect. I think I shall be using Mind42.com to help identify 2 or 3 goals for myself to focus on for each day I am able to work on my internet marketing.
Does anyone have any ideas of apps or online timers I could use to track my time spent while I work?
Recent Comments
Oooh, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. If you thing social obligations are important, then you are on the right track. But keep away from social obligations (if that is possible without hurting anybody) for a short period of time (say a month or few weeks) till you are able to get at least a bit of strong foundation in IM because that's what you would do if you had an exam to prepare for anyways, right?
Another point to take into consideration is that although interacting with other members at WAU is important and beneficial, make sure that's not the ONLY thing you end up doing when the day is over (hope you know what I mean)
Make a schedule and try to stick to it. :)