HOW $19 & 19 yrs Changed MY LIFE: 19yrs ago2day a 19yr old began an Odyssey2The507viaThe619

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Aloha Friend, thx4your Time&I Hope this adds Value2YOUR day, a day that Every Year is a Reflective1for Me.

$19 bought me a month2Earn a Dream...

On 6/6/2000 Half a Life ago NOW , A scrawny ENFP Dreamer left San Diego, California in pursuit, waittt CHASED my1st LTR aka the1who taught me all I didn't want in a Woman & I maybe taught her some guys value IS being consistently energizing like the bunny. Or girrrrl ,he ain't the1don't settle! I broke up with her the day after the tuck rule robbed the raiders & started the Dynasty known as Tommy Brady&The Patriots(MY DIE HARD PATS FAN OF A WIFE FOREVER MOCKS MY MIAMI DOLPHIN$ LACK OF RELEVANCY THIS CENTURY).

I can still see the squirrels&rabbits running on the green lawns of the CIRCA 1940's U$A becoming a global power Era homes my greyhound bus drove from the 619 in 2culturally shocking days en route2the 507. I was very short-sighted & basic if not foolishly blinded by the invincibility of youth. The passing of My Former solider, teacher & kind loving Mother less than a year earlier on 8-14-99 when she was 45 & I barely 18 pushed me harder towards a woman I should have dated a season tops than evolved into a better situation. Well I was stubborn and addicted to the only person I had left after losing the only real family I had just a year prior. SooOOo I ran here when her mother moved them back because Calli is expensive & aggressive, the opposite of a lot of Midwest towns. After moving past her in 2001 I got lost for a couple years chasing the past while I mourned my mothers passing in small doses of self-destruction I thought was coping but was truly depression. I got lost in the cracks of low class society while I dabbled in recreational use of drugs by night & raged all day with an addiction2an all time favorite drug, Excessive $leep. I was LOST.

SooOooO its October3rd 2003 and helloooOoo thereeeee The Angel from My Nightmareee walks into My job and $MILE$ the G.O.A.T HELLO at ME and the only thing a SoCaL All$TaR could do was Shine it right back at her Enchanting Aura! Good GOD this WOMAN was GORGEOUS!!! I was hers and on a mission to make her Mine, in Her time. I was patient yet the smoothest form of aggressive I had Ever been. There was No rush to get anywhere but every single ounce of My being was on a path already to walk beside her. Quickly she was on the same page and we flew thru the early chapters of the Story of U$ with wild abandon! MsB was and IS the Love of MY LIFE! IM the luckiest Man I've met to say we've been thru hell and back yet Theres No Authentic ME without the Magic that is Her that forms WE... I Love DEEPLY&BLINDLY at times but im an ALL IN kind of Man who goes the extra mile, Always. I've been hunting for My purpose since My mother passed at 18. Our Miracle of a Daughter was born on 11/18/16 and her mere existence and story is almost unreal but she is here despite the crazy odds she beat and I'm HONORED2be her Father. Every day is a funny, wild,eventful and educational love fest with her and her Teacher of a Mother. Without her mommies professional background I don't know where I would be as a Father but it wouldn't be working day and night for the Perennial Father of The Year t shirt I wear with pride every so often. This is all part of My story. This amazing little long shot of a life child we have, Our random time tested and true love story of 15+ years has been a wild ride 2 say the least. I'm Blessed beyond words to have them be My foundation and top2reasons 2 turn my WA membership and official day 1 here working, into something EPIC. I've been Floating on modest mouse style for most of my adult life wondering, hoping, dreaming and working thru dead end jobs, failed get rich quickish schemes and a halfhearted attempt at college I was always good enough to finish on my bad days but not 100% all in because I always felt the degree was a scam from Uncle $am2get student debt and a piece of paper that many high end very educated people ive known have but still end up telling me pump 7 is on, thank you pay inside when done. I just never felt like I was on MY career path. Tons of J.O.Brokes and shattered dreams with a few fun big money to only be lost in ego moments. I just never translated My immense people skills, social IQ and ability to work a room into something I could wake up happy2chase and My family proud2see me do and earn them the vacations, home and higher quality Life they DESERVE. I've wanted to retire my Teacher Wife and Myself for years, but as I push 40 here in a couple I realize NOW more than ever that the Internet is the last opportunity I have to overcome all the missed shot, days I slept thru in my youth, wasted time on dead end dreams and WEALTHyAFFILIATE feels Like MY MOMENT OF TRUTH...

The truth is I worked in a Mayo Clinic building for almost2years as The King Of Customer Service. Last week a coworker attempted 2 take the life of his ex-wife, another coworker. WHILE ON THE JOB, IN FRONT OF ME AND OTHERS early on may29th. It was one of the oddest and most painful days EVER4me. The management or lack there of decided it wasn't best to send all of us home4the day. They wanted us 2 "RALLY" and get back to work an hour later. Well a few went home, I stayed and consoled many coworkers all day long while working with a heavy heart and guilty feeling. Knowing we should all be home recovering from insane trauma after visiting the waiting room while she was in surgery that saved her life. If she wasn't the 6foot300ish pound Nubian Queen of never ending positivity&good vibes she probably passes away from the deep knife wounds, her literal larger than life personality/size saved her and I'm so glad she has tons of support if not from her employer. Welllll at the end of that insane shift, THEY FIRED ME. I was let go bcuz I was late a few times on the shuttle that was late for most employees I work with, during the worst winter on record in Minnesota with 80+ inches and times when the city/mayo buses didn't run the first hour or 2 due2horrible conditions on the road and cold. Welllllll I was told being late those handful of days like other coworkers was understandable and not going to be penalized. Come2find out that a manager no1liked that was there less than 6months went back into the write up log and added demerit points to my ledger, essentially the next time I was late would give grounds for termination. Well I was told I worked on a day off. I have every other Monday/Friday and every other weekend off. I was off the prior Friday and worked sat/sun b4the holiday(SALUTE&THANK YOU2 ALL the soldiers Like My Mother who served this gr8 country And Provide a service that is paramount in adding up2OUR FREEDOM!) Memorial day I was there at756 when they said I was to be there at 730-4. Well I worked 8-430 the prior 2 days and in the end I am a union member and have a verrrry valid claim I filed and a hearing and likely overturn of the bogus firing should happen later this month or July. Those take time sometimes so I was told to find work while I wait on back pay/my job back. Well I am a gym enthusiast and work out on both my30min breaks bcuz the mini DAHLC was a 5min hustle from my job area. SO for almost 2years ive gone on both breaks with the mindset that i have 20minutes to get 10sets in,times2! 20 sets in 40 DETERMINED minutes can go a LONGGG WAY in building your body/mental health. SO this untimely and cruel if I may say so at the end of a tragic day firing, took away my paycheck. My gym membership. Ultimately I have wanted to leave for some time but on my terms. It FORCED me 2 abandon what was familiar and take the leap. THE WA leap became official on, the 19th anniversary of me arriving here on 6/6/2000. IT FEEL$ like the UNVER$E( im SPIRITUAL and believe in the power of the Universe/Our Creator you may call god/Buddha/Ala etc that she/he/it does things 4a reason. I don't have a religious attachment but understand&Respect those that choose2. I feel GOD is everywhere and worshiping/praising/Respecting Our Creator isss done when One HELPS/LOVES/RESPECTS/SHARES/UPLIFTS/EDUCATES one of The Creators ,Creations:) WE WORSHIP&GIVE RESPECT2OUR MAKER WHEN WE EMIT LIGHT/TRUTH&LOVE2all NOUNS around U$:)

I wanted2be Transparent somewhat and open about who I am, where im from, what im about a little and who I run with and what we stand4! WE over here stand for growth, truth, love and Self Respect. I am at one of MY lowest financial points having just collected maybe my last check. Wouldn't you know it that 19 years to the day on 6619 I spent 19 bucks to become a PREMIUM copilot alongside y'all on this MA$$IVE flight of the Navigators. WE are the ones. WE have The power of GREY$KULL and than some! WE can find a way instead of fading away! I BELIEVE! I talk too much sometimes and ramble from time2time, buttttttt I know MY TRUTH>I KNOW I HAVE ITTTTTTT INSIDE ME! I am ALL IN on here and NOW! I went out and got a pt job I reluctantly start next week incase I don't return2a place I don't want2. I NOT SO SECRETLY Dream that finding this place 19years to the day I left California with a heart of gold seeking gold coin$ and Truth in the wrong womans eyes only to find it mirrored back2me in anothers. I see all the not random signs add up2 FATE. I HOPE MY STORY MADE YOU SMILE AND RELATE EVEN A LITTLE2ME. I am SOoOOo weird and damaged yetttttttt SOooOOOo Talented and Worthy of ALL I $EEK!

YOU ARE 2 FRIEND! Againnn YOU ARE 2! IF I can help you in any way, IM HERE2SERVE. I serve the Royal Women of My Home with HONOR daily. I served every single stressed out and worried about their family member in surgery customer in that Hospital with a smile, hope and compassionate ear to lean on. IM A GIVER> I ONLY WANNA TAKEEE OVER:)

I am here in this Moment 2 LEARN&EARN KNOWLEDGE,RE$PECT and ENOUGH Buried Trea$ure2Retire U$ from the workforce and maybe tour the world philanthropically blessing each and every destination We travel2with a fund that was rooted in its origins from WA! So Cheer$2 the moment and thank you4your time and patience as I worked my way thru the last 90minutes it took me2bring this story from my mind thru my$220 black Friday HP chromebook2your APPRECIATED eyes. That is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2500+ words and I know after almost 2 hours of writing it that I could absolutely write 3000-4000 words in about 3-4 hours, so writing detailed content wont be an issue for this ninja. I am hungry to start consuming the rest o My WA education and dive into website building asap, this is gonna be Fun!

I hope I can go from WA zero to WA HERO very soon. I would love to be mentored by any and all who have the time and energy to answer my million questions. I'll continue to educate on all the basics and read tons of posts and reply to all who message me, but I gotta find a way to get websites off the ground asap and things brewing because I have no other money coming In anymore and bills are due in 3weeks, cuz all but 19 of my check went to3weeks of food and the rest of our bills alongside my wives share who I want to sooner than later end her needing to split with me. Thanks again4your Time&Truth, Pura Vida!

With Immense Respect&Gratitude,

Mr. Cobra

*PS* I apologize IF I offended anyone in any way. I know this post is insanely long( I WONT STRUGGLE WRITING LONG CONTENT ATLEAST!:) I apologize If I offended someone about religion. I Respect all who do or don't have religious beliefs. Mine is just a spiritual one with the universe/creator by choice. I also apologize for repeating myself as I sometimes do. I apologize If anyone felt I was rude in describing My coworker. I was simply stating that if she was a small human like myself she probably doesn't make it but being a larger woman saved her life thank god! I personally enjoy women with fuller figures so there's no malice here, she was just lucky to be a big human and I would never ever discriminate or speak ill of someone for their color, size, religion, IQ or career. I am NOT the best writer and struggle with grammar and writing structure, So sorry for my sloppy writing and know im aware and working on improving. Breaking bad habits is crucial and ive raised myself since about age 13 while struggling with life long ADHD that is more blessing than curse IMO and has gifted me unique abilities IMO and never been a crutch yet concentrating and staying on task has always been a serious challenge. Thank God for the pot of gold at the end of all those rainbows were chasing. IM lucky2be here and am glad that your in this with Me.

I AM Honored2 be healthy enough 2 raise a wonderful child with her amazing mother and earn a few(MILLION$?)coins along the way while trying to see what im made of and capable of conquering. I come from a place of Love and Hope. I have lacked a lot in my life including follow thru at times and won't let a lack mentality or lack of integrity stop ME from succeeding. I am DETERMINED2change my course and sail lucrative seas! This Captain won't go down with the negative loser mindset of a ship, he's jumped ship and gotten aboard a YACHT KNOWN AS WA and is Honored 2 be alongside many Captains of Destiny and masters of their Soul! Please in closing understand I NEVER want to harm or belittle or put down any man, woman or life form. I'm struggling to harness MY abilities and know with continued reading and the right couple few MENTORS I can put all My talent together and scale Huge Victories. The way I process and the amount of time I have NOW, I just need some molding and clearer understanding of the process and I'll become an Elite Member. I know how challenging Life is as I push 40 and im here 2 be a positive winner and contribute and earn My keep, thanks again for understanding and hopefully WE can collaborate soon on some Magical Content, HAVE THE BE$T $UMMER EVER & KEEP WORKING AT BECOMING THE BE$T VERSION OF YOU THAT'S POSSIBLE! YOU ARE A WINNER , I KNOW YOU GOT THIS NINJA!!!!!!!

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