Powers of Stumbling
Hello, all!
I woke up to a pleasant surprise. After a month of receiving about 30 views a day, I received over 150 yesterday. Not to mention that, but today I already have 250! How did I get all of these views at the getgo? Well, Stumbleupon was the answer. I'm growing accustomed to the promises and services that the site offer.
I'm looking for help, and I want to help you. It would be very much appreciated if you could hop onto my site and stumble your favorite post. In turn, I'll do the same for your page! Hopefully, you'll see a similar increase that I have witnessed. The more people that like a page, the more likely it will get out to the millions that use the site.
This could be a great way to expose a blog with people hop on board. Are you with me?
Thanks, WA!
Recent Comments
Nice work dude. I'll get back to you on this . I guess I need to create a stumble upon account.
It's completely free to create. It's a site for link sharing, and while I share plenty of my posts, it only takes off when more than one person shares it. Yesterday alone, I received 1,000 views because someone with 5 followers liked the page. It's really based on writing good content and being in the right place at the right time!
That,s real good Alex.I have heard of stumble upon,is it like a social site and did you put a link unto it.
The power comes from others liking it, but I did put up this link. If someone hops on the bandwagon, then you're in good shape!
I have heard of it working and have used it myself for a client though the success was not as drastic as what you are sharing. Glad it is working for you! Keep up the great work!
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I like your website!!!
Much appreciated! :)