A new start A new journey


I was just browsing the web a little over a week ago. When I found a site with a link to this site. I had just been researching Internet Research. I figured since the starter program was free I might as well sign-up so I did. I was quickly impressed and started the training course. I debated for a few days if I should sign up from premium so I could get more out of the site. I don’t have steady employment currently so that was a big factor.

However, looking at my paypal account I had some money in there. This money is just sitting there and not even collecting interest or anything. I got a piece of paper and calculator with the first month’s discount price I had enough to pay for three months (December 15, January 16, and February 16) from the money that is in my paypal account before I’d have to switch over to putting it on my credit card. Thus I took the plunge and became a premium member.

By March 2016 I hope to have more steady income outside the internet and hopefully by then have at least one website up and be providing reguar content from what I have and will be learning here and be making a little bit from that as well.

I know it wouldn’t happen overnight, things take time, you just have to be patient and keep at it, even when you may want to hang it up. Just have to keep going one day at a time. I feel I found this site for a reason. I’m a stronger believer that everything happens for a reason, the good, the bad and the in-between.

I’m looking forward to this new journey.

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Well done on making the decision to upgrade. I know that can be difficult when money is tight but it is the right decision. Good luck in all that you do :)

Thank you Jude. Several days later I still feel I made the right choice. So that's a good thing.

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