Working through the training - Milestones

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It's nice that Wealthy Affiliates celebrates each of our milestones along the way; it's a great way to help us stay motivated and inspired. I just got a pop-up celebrating my completion of Level 2 in the training. :)

In every day life there seem to be relatively few celebrations for the things we accomplish; as if it's not polite to celebrate accomplishments. When a lawyer wins a desired outcome for a client at trial, the lawyer doesn't get to jump up and down happily, yelling "woo hoo! yes! yes!" (Picture actor Will Farrell as the winning attorney here, celebrating, oblivious, while the rest of the somber court room just ... stares.)

I have developed a theory over time that one of the reasons so many people love to watch sports is that they are allowed to celebrate, and jump up happily, arms outstretched in the air, and have that camaraderie celebrating happily together with others. How about New Year's Eve? "Happy New Year!" Everyone hugs and has that moment of shared camaraderie and excitement in celebration of the coming year, but . . . only for a minute or so.

So here's to Wealth Affiliates and to celebrating all of our collective progress and continued successes!


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I love your post and it is great to celebrate and Yes yell Yay Woo!! for absolutely no reason at all --just because we are alive and able to breathe on our own!! Take care be blessed today and everyday and also your beautiful family!!

Great Post. Great Job and keep up the great job. Yes, we should celebrate every milestone in life even it is just a little one because that makes us feel good. Even it is just us by ourselves. We can do a woohoo for ourselves and be proud of what we do.

Best wishes

Thanks so much, Marmar! I am following you and looking forward to hearing about all of your successes at WA!

You are so very welcome no problem and thank you for the follow I really appreciate that I will be back soon I am taking it easy and resting for now but will document all of my successes

Best wishes

I think celebrating achievements, even if they are small, is a wonderful thing to do - both for ourselves and to help inspire the community. It's important to feel that we are making progress, and to acknowledge it when we do!

Thanks, Melissa!

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