Low Quality Comments.
"Recently, I have seen a spike in the number of bad comments from SiteComments. Today, I received 2 comments, one of them is irrelevant and one is too general.
(Background info: My post is about badminton racket review.)
The first comment I received was not even about badminton! He started talking about tennis. He clearly didn't read my review and just randomly wrote something.
Exact comment: "This is really cool. I play tennis all the time and I have a daughter that plays competitive tennis as well. I've been looking into getting new tennis racquets for me and her. But the thing is, it's just so many to choose from and it's very difficult. But you just cleared it up for me, I think I just made my decision. Where is the best place I can buy it from? Great review, very helpful.
The second comment is at least about badminton. He/She started talking about how he used to play badminton but stopped due to injury. How he wants to get back into badminton and asks me for tips on taking the sport again. That obviously has no relation to my racket review. He/She probably never even read my review.
Exact comment: "I used to play tennis until I hurt my foot, but now that I'm getting better I want to get back into something. I used to play badminton in school, and I feel like it would be less wear and tear on a previously injured foot. Do you have any feedback on transitioning back into badminton, or from a sport like Tennis?"
Obviously, I disapproved them. To those that have given comments that are irrelevant to the post before, I urge you to think about what others feel when they receive such comments. Even if you cannot make great comments, at least keep the comment relevant. If you cannot make any good comment, don't comment.
One of the possible reasons why I receive such comments is that my niche (badminton) is not popular in WA at all. So people commenting probably know little to nothing about this sport. People with Earn Money Online niches will probably get much better comments.
I think if everyone decides to make the best comments for one another, SiteComments will become even better. (Don't get me wrong, I still like SiteComments a lot.)
To WA: I suggest you do something about this problem. I propose you still give one credit for each comment given. But when a comment is disapproved, the one credit earned is deducted. If the 'commenter' has already spent the credit, give a negative one. This way, they won't give lousy comments anymore. (Remember the 'commenter' still gets a credit in the current system no matter what.)
Recent Comments
Well said! I hate feeling and obviously knowing that my site for one was not read at all by the comments that are left or they just looked at like the first page and didn't bother to actually look through my entire site. It really makes me feel like I've worked so hard on something and I'm asking for honest feedback that maybe doesn't interest you but at least try to be a decent human and give a halfway decent response! Thank you for posting this! I couldn't agree more!!