The Bamboo
I was reading a very interesting article on the bamboo's. It captivates my attention and I related to success.
I want to share with the community my thoughts on it.
Did you know that, since the moment the Bamboo seed is on the ground, until we can see something appear from the surface, that take 5 years?
Did you know that, from the time the Bamboo appear at the ground level, it takes 6 weeks to grow ninety feet high?
If we do some mathematics, the Bamboo can grow 91 cm (36 in) within a 24-hour period, at a rate of almost 4 cm (1.6 in) an hour, a growth around 1 mm every 90 seconds, or 1 inch every 40 minutes.
The Bamboo is different from other trees, because when the culm is growing up, it is full diameter right way. Other tree it's a small sprout first and eventually is growing full diameter.
That is because of his roots system. The first five years, the Bamboo concentrate his energy to develop is foundation. Every day, without any exception, his doing something. His roots are growing, bigger and bigger, wider, larger, he spread his foundation because he knows the reason why his doing it.
He never said to himself, I don't see any result, oh it's difficult, the soil here is so hard I should give up. Why I'm not growing. I should be at the top already.
Nop because he just know where his going, and that it's the secret. He has a clear picture of his destination and he's aware that his success is a journey. If it's hard somewhere in the ground, he will just find another way without being hard on himself because he just hit a difficulties.
The Bamboo is a solid, flexible tree. In China, they use the Bamboo to build some scaffolding with. Into a wind storm, the Bamboo will just follow the wind flow without breaking, it's so amazing.
Sometime, for us, we want to be the fruit without established our foundation first. We want success, without the understanding the work it can take. It takes time, vision, perseverance, like the Bamboo. Or, one day we want to be an orange, the next an apple, the next one, a pineapple. It creates a lot of confusion in our mind.
When you look at it, did it takes 6 weeks for the Bamboo to grow 90' or it took 5 years?
Every day, by doing some action, we are working on are roots system. One day we will have massive traffic on our website. When, Who knows? That is not important.
The point is, if we has a clear picture of our destination, if we do a little thing every day toward our vision, automatically, we will achieve it. It's a law of life.
The nature is genetically program to grow toward the light. Well, we are nature. When I question myself on the subject and I doubt of if I can do it or not, I like observing the nature, all the answer are there.
The success will come, that's for sure, but only for those who do the work for. The one who's wishing for the success to come at them without putting the effort are ignorant of the process.
Being ignorant seem's rude, but it's just something we are not aware of. I am on many subjects.
Be like the Bamboo, grow your solid foundation, and one day you will see some massive traffic coming to you, because you will have solid and quality content, the writing will be clear and proper ( That is for my English writing... hahaha ), you took the time to do your homework and develop your niche and offer awesome products/services and because the people trust you, they will trust what you offer, because you took the time to work on your foundation.
Thank you
Best Regards,
Recent Comments
Hi Mathieu,
Great analogy, I really like how you have connected bamboo to our online endeavors, it is an amazing plant.
With the level of CO2 breaching through the 400 parts per million in the atmosphere, we will see that growth rate extend.
So true if we spend time, in the beginning, building a solid foundation, it may seem as though we are not making progress, time spent in the beginning will pay huge dividends down the road.
Thanks for sharing.