Joined WA Today!


I was doing some research online this morning and came across a review site. The style of the writer really impressed me with his honesty and sincerity. He wasn't just being a shill to get a sale, so the speak. He truthfully shared what he liked and disliked about a number of products/programs.

He offers a free training course via email with an opt-in. I've been around the block a few times but since his honest reviews were so genuine, I opted in and took him up on his offer. Needless to say, he is a big proponent of Wealthy Affiliate! I'm glad he is...let me tell you why.

Several years ago I was a member here and learned a lot of good stuff. I made the decision to relinquish my membership and venture off on my own. I moved into being an offline consultant while maintaining a full-time job. I experienced some success and helped a good number of local businesses achieve some good SE rankings. I realize now that I didn't have a good system set up to take on very many clients at once. I fulfilled my obligations to those customers and still serve many of them to this day.

My deep desire, though, is to build a business with recurring income that I can count on month after month. When I came across WA today, it came to me as a breath of fresh air.

There have been a lot of changes here since the last time I was a member - for the better, I might add. All the basics plus a whole lot more.

I started again at course 1, lesson as far as building a site and I have it up and running. You can visit it if you like at

Any and all feedback is appreciated.

I look forward to staying here for a while and learning more, earning more and helping more!!

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Recent Comments


Welcome back Mark! There's always something new here.

Hi Mark, I would like to say, welcome back to WA! I'm sure you have already noticed a lot of improvements within the platform that I'm sure you will enjoy in the near future.

Hope to see more of you within the community.


Eddie C.

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4-Steps to Success Class
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Millionaire Mentorship
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