My Progress (love WA) :)
Hey everyone,
First of all I want to say that this is how every community in the world should be, not just here at WA. This is an awesome example of how all people can get along and get stuff done!!!
So far I have created my new website and I have only 2 posts so far. I will have more people joining me this summer. The people are very knowledgeable in their fields and I am very, very excited.
Here is the site if you would like to check it out:
Don't be shy leave a comment ;)
My goals for the summer is to finish all of the training and completely populate the site with my team.
By the end of the year I would like to see my site ranked number 1 on google and I really hope people find it beneficial.
I wish everyone luck and lots of energy to invest into their life and career!
My Best
Recent Comments
Good luck to you on your goals!
Have a great day!