I was trying to publish my first blog but it won't allow me to because it wants to 2 tags. What are tags and where do I find them?
You can just find below your blog, you choose from success, publish, cancel, tags. On the black space you will put any name from the community and press tag, then publish.
Creating my first blog and requiring tags?
I was trying to publish my first blog but it won't allow me to because it wants to 2 tags. What are tags and where do I find them?
2 tags you can put your blog name or my wealthy affiliate blog and press tag, then publish. That's all. Hope this can help you.
You can just find below your blog, you choose from success, publish, cancel, tags. On the black space you will put any name from the community and press tag, then publish.
2 tags you can put your blog name or my wealthy affiliate blog and press tag, then publish. That's all. Hope this can help you.