Onward Movement Toward Destination
Hello everyone. What a journey this has been. Just completed 2 out of 5 courses and knowing that I have a little way to go, but will eventually get there. Learning so much and still enjoying my step by step as I walk my way through this process of learning. I was ranked on page 3 of Google and on page 1 of Bing and Yahoo. This is awesome news when there are 68,000,000 results of my niche. This was exciting news and I was overwhelmed with joy. Couldn't believe I was ranked and not yet finished my website. I am still adding something new to it every day.
My expertise is hair and skincare. I have been a hairdresser for over 20 years. My passion is beauty and health. Reading and researching study on both health and fitness and also researching study on chemicals they used in beauty products intrigued me. But I wanted to do something simple, so I decided to make a website for my grand baby. She loves The Baby Shark Song. I chose the niche baby shark night light. I have added a few other accessories to the baby shark night light to increase my content on my posts. Maybe my next website I will choose something related to hair and skincare.
When I checked my rankings again, I was disappointed that I was not ranked at all. All of these thoughts going through my mind, wondering what went wrong. Could it have been my last 2 content pages that I wrote?, Could it have been the list of prices that I included from Amazon that I added to my page?, Could it have been the Amazon link that I added to the bottom of my page? or maybe it was one of my comments that someone wrote. I still have no clue as to what might have happened. If anyone thinks they might know the answer, please enlightened me on this subject. Thanks to all of my friends who have given me advice and support. You all are so wonderful!:)
Many Blessings & Success to each one,
Recent Comments
I think you are doing great, Margaret. However, I think it is more appropriate to separate your blog from your question. That way, the WA member can act accordingly. That is also a mistake that I have made before. The response is poor.
Many blessings and success to you too. Have fun.
Thank you so much, kichang:).