Help! Your Advice Is Appreciated
For the past week, I have had writers block. I have no clue what to talk about when it comes to cats. So I am throwing out the question to you guys. What are some things you personally would like to know about cats? Another question is what are some tips you have that helped you get out of your writer's block? Thanks in advance!
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Hi Amanda, everyone can get writer's block at some stage. a case of when not if.
One of the things that have helped me on occasion is just to let it go when we are in that slump, accepting that we can not crank out that 1000 words on a daily basis can be empowering in its self.
The thing about blogging is that there is way more to do besides writing content, there is your website always needs some love and tweaking, social media, learning new stuff, exploring ways to manage and share the content that you have produced.
On the flip side when we have had one episode one of the keys can be to recognize the onset of writer's block and do something to bring it in to check before a full-blown episode.
Best wishes you will work through it, Cats are your area of interest just tray writing something for fun.
You could write about the importance of spaying and neutering, from there go into humane society cat overload and how cat owners can do their part to prevent shelter overloads by neutering and spaying, just a thought =)
Want a ton of ideas for your niche go to and search cats, and see what others have asked. Do the same on Yahoo Answers, and eHow, and you can even look at industry publications and blogs by companies like PetsMart which have blogs. They spend millions finding out what their customers wish to know about cats.
Try cat behaviors. They're veryinteresting!