Creating New Pages
I have been taking a break for a little personal home renovation. Time off has gotten the creative juices flowing, so I've returned to Wealthy Affiliate to create some pages on my website. I put together a meal for our supper tonight. That gave me an idea for my website, so I took an Iphone photo of my delicious creation. After supper, I did a little keyword research, and I came up with a menu heading of Meals On a Budget. I also realized that there are quite a few pages that need some media attached. However, I am needing personal photography for my website, so I will have to work on that later.
Taking Notes
I have found that throughout the day I will have ideas for my website. I find that it is best to capture these ideas as they come to me, so they will not be forgotten as I busy myself with daily tasks. I list them in my notes on my phone or in a notebook that I keep for new ideas. Some ideas don't pan out, but some ideas turn out to be great leads. Working through these notes once a week would be a great start in generating new ideas for my website.
Making Time for Success
I know that this is going to require more effort from me to make it a successful business. I long to establish a steady work schedule, but I am still working diligently on helping our nine children to establish individual schedules to free up some of my time. I am looking forward to showing my husband that I finally made it, and that I can produce a steady income!
Recent Comments
You are an inspiration to all of us here, but at least your niche is compatible with your busy worh/home life.
I agree with Beverley! Any time you are able to put towards your website is a step in the right direction! I only have one child so far and finding me time seems hard, I can't even imagine nine! You are on the right track, keep it up! I wish you tons of success!
LOL 9 children. I admire you for finding even 10 minutes in a day to do this. You're right - it's for the long term and you will have to stay incredibly focused. The very best of luck. :) Beverley
I certainly admire you for how you handle your life with 9 children at home and I am guessing the other 2 children are married or out on their own since you do have 2 grandchildren!! Keep up the good work and my best wishes for you.