

Hello everyone! I just started WA a few weeks ago and am loving every minute of my learning here. My website is coming together and I never even knew this was something I was capable of doing!

My niche is Women's Athletic Apparel. As I continue to write blogs, I learn more and love the niche even more. My main goal is to help women find athletic clothing that works for them. I am huge believer in fitness and when you look good you feel good. I want women to feel good while they work out.

No matter where we are in our fitness journey it is important to find clothes that work for you. My website is not only going to focus on fashionable pieces but functional ones too.

As I gain more experience I hope to include athletic accessories and potentially venture into supplements too!

For now, I am just focused on building a solid foundation and platform for me to grow from. I look forward in utilizing social media in the future to widen my horizons.

I feel pretty confident with what I have learned so far but if you have any helpful tips with using visuals for your website please reply this post. Images are my biggest struggle right now and I want to improve. I have noticed that picking a new theme has helped so far but I feel like I am missing some knowlegde on this matter.

Thank you! I hope you have an amazing day!

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We learn as we along! Keep on keeping on Madelyn! There are lots of classes you can get yourself into , as a Premium Plus member! Take advantage of them too!

You seem to have found your direction! Great job!


Congrats Madelyn. Welcome to WA! It will be a wonderful adventure. Keep up, don’t give up. The key is to be consistent and do something daily. Even writing a single paragraph in a day is great achievement . There are many classes, materials to learn the business in WA. You can watch these lessons for whatever topic that you got stuck

Absolutely correct in the niche direction; feeling good you're bursting with excitement to tackle fitness and the day is essential.

I hope the very best for you and thank you for sharing.

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