Don't Get Discouraged
It is extremely difficult not to become discouraged when you are trying to create new and unique content. The cannots seem to overtake the cans and before you know it a day passes, a week passes and then it's a whole month. Perseverance and persistance are critical, do something everyday, no matter what it is. I am writing this as much to encourage myself to keep moving forward as I am to give anyone reading this the little extra boost they might need today. It is easy to put off today what we believe can easily be accomplished tomorrow.'s a trap!!
Slow and steady will get you exactly where you need to go. Take a step today, another one tomorrow and before you know it, you have journied a thousand miles.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu
Recent Comments
So very true. It is completely human to get discouraged and overwhelmed somedays. Adults need a time out sometimes too. The most important thing is that you get over it and start the work again the next day. I also like to say "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!"