Have a dream and make a change to achieve it:
Fast start a good thing?
When I first joined WA I couldn't wait to get started. It was all new and exciting. When you make a discovery your curiosity gets the best of you, it makes you crave more info and enjoyment.
Within my first few days, I got the main part of my blog set up and made my first post and page. I flew through some of the training quite quickly. But did I really take it all in?
The simple answer is yes depending on training as I had some basic knowledge but ultimately no I didn't.
Was I too eager to get started?Yes probably, I was so excited I forgot to even take notes. You ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat. Well in my case I forgot how to stay motivated since I never learned how. I learned how to do some things then forgot where the training was and began to drift. Life happens to all of us.
My advice:Put simply slow down and take notes. I still really enjoy WA and have learned so much since I have started but ultimately I have learned to be more organised and not to rush. Going too quickly I missed out a few bits and had to keep going back and forth but now I'm on my way to making a better blog. Today I have 10pages, 47 posts and 117 comments. I know things don't happen overnight and sometimes I have to organise my time better. Now I am working towards my goal and hoping to keep on track to build a better future.
Recent Comments
You are sharing an important lesson here. So many set goals of "getting this done by that date", that they forget this is an education! Better to go as slow as you need to in order to truly learn the information forever.
Thank you. I have set some goles before but they wern't all so realistic. I have since been back though some trainings and found even more value from them. I have also been able to find a couple of gaps and things I didnt realise I had done not so much wrong, but very differntly and could have been better. It takes time to learn and take every thing in. Moving 1 step at a time and having patience has helped me.