Challenge yourself, you are worth it!
I went to see Eric Bailey speak recently and there were a few things I took away from this. One was his message that everyone should have a coach, he said he has three! Perhaps if one is having an off day he knows he has a back up plan? I am sure they all offer something unique that adds a sparkle to his day and stoke the fire in his belly.The key reason for his approach is that a coach will hold you accountable and pick you up when you are down. It is hard to do that for yourself day after day, especially when you are starting something new and you are finding your rhythm. So what do you so when a coach is not in the budget?
I love my daily doses of inspiration from social network sites. These are not hard to connect to now are they!Yes this sucks a few minutes from my day but this works for me so is a priority.The other thing I do is set myself 30 day challenges. I will share these as we go along but the first I will share is “blog every day for 30 days”.So no surprises there, this is what I, and probably you too, have joined to learn about! To keep myself accountable I have told my sister what I am doing, although she is so supportive I am not sure she would
get tough if I missed a day, love you sister xx.Yes you do need to have discipline to follow through, but this is the timeframe which gives you a chance to set a habit and work out if it something you need to keep in your life, or just something you get to tick off your bucket list.There have been a few of those experiences!!! So pick something practical that may support other ventures in your life, such as a daily Pilates class to support the big goal, the marathon run!
Would you have a coach if it was in the budget? How would you go about picking the right one for you? Do any 30 day challenges spring to mind that you will go for? I amlooking forward to the day when I have connected with enough people that I will get some great feedback from the questions I put out in to the ether, in the meantime I will keep on making my 30 day lists and see what pops up in my life.
Feeling like the blood sugars and hydration levels are back in balance so on with the day!
Recent Comments
livleadluv,It is interesting your comments on choosing a coach if it was in the budget.I didn't have a budget but I have chosen WA and the people in the group as my coaches.
I looked at and attended many internet marketing seminars here in australia looked at numerous from the USA and UK on the net but found that WA offered me the best value.
My daughter was an elite rower and surf ski paddler and I was close to most of the top coaches and everyone of them repeated this saying,I CAN GIVE YOU THE TOOLS TO MAKE IT BUT IN THE END IT IS THE EFFORT THAT YOU PUT IN AND OFF THE WATER THAT WILL BREAK YOU AWAY FROM THE PACK and this venture is the same treat it like something that you are so passionate about and you will surprise yourself.