Jaaxy numbers, a bit confusing.
Ok, I understand jaaxy pretty well. So what confuses me is this:
I type in
"tattoo history" ->
1174 | 200 | 385 |
"tattoing history" ->
75 | 13 | 373 |
Can someone please explain this? Is "tattoing history " really something I can use or is this a mistake?
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Are you going to use the keywords for a domain name? If so, you should go for this keyword: american tattoo history. Here you have the metrics for it: 128/22/83/97.
This domain name is available in com and the others: www.americantattoohistory.com
You can play around with it... maybe: www.theamericantattoohistory.com
The keyword: the american tattoo history has these metrics: 128/22/2/100
Search this keyword in jaaxy: the world tattoo history. You will get many awesome ones! And in the actual keyword phrase, you can put in words that fit the phrase, but don't do a search on that entire phrase, jaaxy will certainly just show
The keywords are for my first sub-paragraph title on my first keyword rich blog. I already have a good keyword for the title of the blog. I was just confused with the numbers I was getting. You gave me a good idea with "the world tattoo history". I think I'll use that! You were very helpfull! Thank you!!
Hey Lista, tattooing history is a good general term, but I might look a little deeper and find a niche within tattooing history to monetize. But still use the history within your niche as a topic of discussion.
Actually tattoo history is going to be my first content rich blog. My niche is temporary tattoos. I'm starting my blog with "Tattoos, History and Statistics. The beggining of Temporary Tattoos" I thought I'd use a kind of timeline to help me keep going with my blogs. Hope it works!
Hi Litsa, I just had a quick look at your search terms. I personally would not go for them, there are much easier terms that come up when I typed in tattoo history.
I look for qsr no more than 200 most of the time and a good seo power rating from 80 -100.
Hope this helps you litsa.
Its my understanding that if your keywords have the red or yellow next to the number they are heavily searched with a lot of competition. Not necessarily a bad niche. but you need to find better keywords.
The keywords I was looking for are for my first content - keyword rich blog. So I don't necessarily have to use them. Thanks, I will stick to green dots only!
Seem very odd numbers to me, both of them. I woudn´t go with a red or yellow dot, only with a green one...:-)..oh, and the seo part has to be above 8, then you´re fine. Hope that helps, maybe you can play a little bit around with the words....Janine
Thanks Janine. I seem to find allot of this kind of numbering with tattoo related keywords. The good thing is that most are green dotted!
Thanks for the fast reply!
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Thanks for bring this up