What did Don King know about Branding? Apparently, Everything!

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First of all, let me just say that I, Personally am NOT a boxing fan, however, Anyone, who is anyone that grew up in the 80s, and who is a fan of boxing would know who Don King is. You know, he's that eccentric professional boxing promoter.. you know the one with the hair? Well... White-ish/ grey hair now...

Who is Don King? True name, Donald King, (no relation to Martin L. King by the way). He's an American Boxing promoter, born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1931, currently 86 years old and for decades, has been known for his involvement in popular historical boxing matches. Had his moments in theatre, has been in some really controversial situations and circumstances. Had his run-ins with the law, even accused of manslaughter. However, none of his major activities, lifestyle or in his professional career stand out more than his unique hairstyle. His Brand is So Secure that It is hell trying to obtain a Royalty Free image of Don King, as if he is royalty... In a way he is... Well... At least his hair is. Probably insured for billions of dollars. (Eventually found these images on Shutterstock by the way).

You may ask, Why his hair? It SHOULD be obvious...

It NEVER changed. Don King has had his unique hairstyle for as long as I can remember and for as long as he has been in the public eye. The ONLY thing that has changed throughout his years of stardom and media popularity, was the obvious greying that occurs during natural aging processes. No matter how many tuxes he wore, regardless, of how many good chains and regardless of who he was promoting, that hairstyle has Never changed. In many of his public appearances, the media, has made it a point to mention Don Kings uniqueness, he just stands out in a crowd... Period... So much so, that the name Don King was mentioned at all the most popular boxing matches to date, (even becoming a household name in millions of boxing fans across the globe.)

Enter Don King in a Google search? Of course, the FIRST thing you'll notice is his hair... Next... That smile...

When I was a kid, my dad and elder brothers would gather together in front of the television, no, not a flat screen or smart TV, laptop or any kind of modern device, I'm talking turn-dial, fat-box television that should one channel at a time and only went to Channel 13... There was Don King, hair black as coal then. 70's, 80s, 90s Y2K, up until Today and what has remained the same throughout Don King's Absolutely Ingenious Branding method was his hair... Makes me ask myself, What was his frame of mind? Was he like, " No. don't touch my hair" ! Or "My hair is my brand." Or was he like, (to his makeup artists and to those who prepped him for "on-television, live-broadcasts), "Hey... My hair is fine, just leave it be.) I'm sure that he has been advised to do something about it. But he never did... Now guess what?

Years later, it's STILL just as popular as ever... For Him... and that It's fine. Why? Because he's Don King... We all know who he is and what he represents... He is a live-legendary boxing promoter that's who.

So, what did Don King know about Branding? Apparently, Everything!!!

I'm also fairly certain that you would Not see any human being with a hairstyle like Don Kings... You May certainly see it in a Troll Baby or a cartoon character however. Nevertheless. That fro is the Pinnacle of his extreme popularity and nobody wears it like he does. In Fact No one CAN wear it like Don does.

What can we learn from Don Kings Branding Method

Simply put...

1. It takes YEARS for branding to be effective.

2. Your brand should be unique to you.

3. You shouldn't change or adjust your branding for anyone or anything... Consistency.

4. Use your Brand/Logo ecceterra in Everything...so it stands out.

5. Know Why you're using your brand... Gotta stand for, represent or mean something to you in order for it to blow up the way it should.

I'm certain that there's a bunch more lessons that can be learned from Don Kings Branding example. I haven't even mentioned those particular professional boxers who Don King has been affiliated with... Why? Cause it's all about his hair... His Brand...

How are You building Your brand?

Are you being consistent?

Do you take suggestions?

Side Note:

Choosing to consider taking advice CAN have various consequences and can alter several courses of events for your business and it's future...

... Not All advice can improve your results. Sometimes, just having an absolute great deal of steadfast patience can work wonders.

Not everyone is a Don King but Everyone Can be like him using their own personal uniqueness.

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One of a kind.

One of a kind indeed! Never had an imitator portraying him. Lol! :D

Don King even if as a Brand his popularity will do the talking

Really though. :D

We remember Don King so well!! Great comparison about his hair and building our brand. Thanks for making this important topic a fun read. Best of luck to you! Colette and Philip

Hello Colette and Phillip,
It's Awesome that you're familiar with his branding and style as I am.

Thanks for your comment! :)

Branding Should be fun! :D


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