How COVID19 Changed Us

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How Did we get to this place while we were sleeping our leaders knew what was going on, and they never thought it would be wise to make the adjustments needed to protect us .

When did this virus get out? not a few weeks ago for us to have global shut down this was known by the leaders and hoped it would be masked with the flu but it's a bit more destructive than they expected.

A small group whose mission is to control the population growth rate of minority background and who dies, but GOD have other plans for his people; man can only try to make his voice be heard but God allows us to do what we want to do ; we are not rulers of our destiny but by the grace of our father through Jesus Christ we are able to do exceedingly above all we can think or do but we're not respecting the power we're wielding and it will be our destruction.

We started collecting extra supplies before they announced we had an outbreak

When they confirm there was a problem, I knew someone who fall ill last year and his family was also sick for about a month, the efforts to stem this outbreak is a temporary fix because when the isolation is lifted people will embrace each other as is customary in society, and the infection will start over it may even get stronger than before, this is what will happen zero social distance.

We share this planet but not every one understand what's needed to maintain the balance off life or up keep this fragile place in which we live; our time is short on earth some wild animals have been around longer than us and they don't have any education, or a job or position the only thing they know is to survive.

Please don't make your self more important than you are, live for each other with love and happiness; this virus shows us it does't care who you are or what you have done it's taking you whether you want to or not.


Presently we are lining up for food and supplies this is new to us and has been somting to get use to, also limiting how much we can purchase at a time, our knew normal is to look out for the other families who's also trying to put food on the table.

We've been quarantine for about 30 plus days and counting some in my house hold have been longer, as we all adjust to the knew normal; the book of Isaiah 26:20/21 have instructed the people what to do in a time like this when the plague was released on earth the only thing is we're not sure how long they had to stay inside for?

A quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests. It is often used in connection to disease and illness, preventing the movement of those who may have been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a confirmed medical diagnosis.

The People Who Build What We're enjoying

The outbreaks in some of our long term senior living institute are directly linked to the double standards in our health care system.

We are asking health care providers to take care of our elderly and the sick but because they are not Doctors or people of importance we'll not provide them with the proper protection,

What do you think happens after the doctors are done with the patient ?

someone has to follow up with the care and up keep of that patient care; and also with keeping the place and areas clean, all the members working or in direct contact with any sickly or long term patients are high risk and need's our support and respect.

The rules and guidelines are established by doctors with the true understanding off what is needed for there safety goals, not some private body who's only intent is to pocket a profit every quarter they are only managers off buildings which is funded by us the everyday hardworking people they are only administrators overlooking the day to day operation of the services provided GOD is our ruler and we are his servants.

Our leaders are making decision with private people and friends with the goals of making money and lining there pockets hoping we wouldn't notice, this practice needs to stop; we have the resources to build and run the institutes without private funding we can purchase products from them but not allow them to take advantage off us we are the government not the individuals in office they only represent the people and what's expected of them in the time they are elected

What is the meaning of Front line workers?

What's there job description ?

All first responders are asked to put there lives on the line to help others in need, In all cases they have no idea what they are heading Into but they are on the way to offer there assistance in whatever way possible to help us out, this was the old way not anymore .

All Front Line Workers should be given the full protective wear they need to ensure there safety before attending to others we are to assume all calls are high risk until new data is collected on site without these safety measures the people we are depending on will become ill or super carriers.

When you consider first contact which is one or two people then to the Hospital where its multiple contact's; if we are not equipped for this level of safety we'll all be infected again when the quarantine is lifted; we know it's not possible to maintain our way of living without a working economy however our very existence is dependent on each other without this global support our lives would be difficult but adaptable.

The restarting of our economy is vital, but controlling the virus is paramount if a new strain or outbreak were to take hold the death toll will be greater.

The education of what needs to happen when we resume our day to day activities must be understood by all; we have to combine all our resources globally and enforce the standards when interacting with our global community.

With all the leaders working towards the best Practice Safety Protocols it would help control the spread of silent death called COVID19.

Since the quarantine some results has shown a reduction in smog and the water ways has cleared up and reviled sunken and hidden structures, wild life reclaiming space were once was used by commuters is now roaming for nature animals fisheries and wild life can show us how to live in harmony with nature.

With this time we should improve the way things are being done and make the necessary adjustments to improve our global impact on the world this is a wake up for those who occupy this planet, let's work together and reduce the damage we are making on our world

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