Is your email driving you CRAZY?


Ever since I've started WA, my personal email has gone CRAZY! While I genuinely would love to read everybody's blogs, suggestions, etc. There is simply not enough time in the day.

So, I've decided to just throw all the blogs from WA into a folder so that I can schedule a specific time to sit down, read and/or respond to the blogs alerts I receive.That way I'm not ignoring people, I can give feedback and leave comments and my inbox is not inundated with blog alerts. The comments and suggestions I can usually respond to immediately because they usually aren't as time consuming.

In hotmail I can setup rules where I can automatically sort my incoming mail, but I haven't found a similar option with gmail. I can sort and filter but it doesnt automatically redirect the email to a specific folder. They still end up in my inbox. So if anyone has a tip about how to do that please leave me a comment.

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Hi. Can someone please help me how I can redirect the emails from WA to my inbox in the email for the domain I have just created? The emails from WA are sure driving me crazy

In case you still need to know how check out my blog:

Sorry, I just realized how old this post is. I'm a newbie. Sorry for the intrusion!

Hey Kendra! I had the same issue and I managed to get my wealthy affiliate emails to go to a label i called "Home Business" in my gmail account. I'll put something together in a blog for you as soon as i get a chance and I'll let you know! - Bryan

It can be a bit overwhelming. There are times when I feel like the Sorcerers Apprentice.

Thanks for that, I feel the same way about my email. I hate the feeling of not having the time to keep up with reading everything, but at the same time I want to get updates about interesting blogs, like this one for example :)

Well if I find out how to automatically filter my email in gmail I'll do another post or add to this one.


Have you adjusted your Notifications at the bottom of your Account Settings page? I generally don't what to know about everything going on at WA, since I'm on the site a lot anyway. I modified to have the ones I care more about.

They are at the bottom of this page:

Thanks Gary, I actually want to get the emails I just want them to automatically be filtered into folders and not just end up flooding my inbox. Microsoft is really good about that, both with outlook and hotmail, but I can't find a way to do it for gmail which is where I have all of my business related emails setup.

I just reached 2400 followers, so I don't need to go through all of the e-mails, but I can use the Activity Dashboard to see what's going on. I enjoy WA, but I don't want WA to fill up my mailbox with things I probably won't read. It creates work, and I'd rather spend time working on my site, or reading the blogs on the handful of people at WA that I really enjoy following.

I can certainly understand that. I just started so there are a lot of newbie questions I have that get answered in the blogs. So for now I'd like to keep receiving them. I'm sure eventually, I'll change this because I'm already slightly overwhelmed by it. LOL. (Hence the blog)

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