Mentor , scrivener ? Someone who made the sky limitless!
What is mentor ? It s someone who is beside.. no more no less ni under ni above...
. the real life is not as good as the idea I had but Sometimes is so closed my dream that I would like to share. I had so many good news that I will able to realise all my dreams. I found in WA many way of thinking and many kind people. I knoew now that I will be able to creat a fundation and manythings and writing . I don t stress anymore because in the chat, someone said exactly what I need and made me feel soooo good!
The mentor made me feel skylimitless . I want to be proud for him or her and doing my best.
The mentor is not a in the front or in the back but walking with. I had a mentor , she was an old lady , like the film Harold and Maud. She was a doctor and I was 12yold. I loved her , and during 30 years Dr Lods helped me to drive my life. She died few years ago and my heart is breaking . The mentor is someone which potentialize my potentiel. I op went to the university without being in school. I was afraid because I was sure that all the guys would know everything. Yes , it was true the first weeks and monthes , but I worked so hard that I succeed the 25 out of 33 selected over 500 students.
Dont look to your Neighbourg or another guy , be yours own chief and be proud of you . Lean try, fall, and do it again. You will see around you , many who gave up and stop. Be a turtle and let the rabit walking faster than you . I am sure , if you are consistent , you will do your goal.
- With the scrivener , I fund in myself so much ideas and so powerful than I can be the best. WA can be help bye many things , so bye WA. which help to find the people so awesome. and knowledge interesting.
- I hope I will find a mentor and being able to climtb mountain. But now , I meet people , answering to all my questions and sharing their ideas
- So thx to Marlene, Eric, onmyownterm, David and all
So it s 5 am , time to go to bed ...
Tx to see and to rea d and able to understand my post.
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