Easy Way To Create Content For Your Site
Some may struggle on trying to add new content to their page since on Wordpress it's pretty hard to do a lot of stuff that is easier to do on other applications. If anyone is struggling on inputting text onto their site, easy way to do it is through Microsoft Word then copying and pasting it into your site :). This way creating different sized texts, inputting tables etc. makes it so much more convenient. I ran into an issue before where I couldn't change the size of my text and just did everything on Word then pasted onto my site builder, which made it a lot easier since I've been using word for a long time and no my way around it.
Hopefully this little info can help you all :) thanks for reading :D
Recent Comments
Thank you very much, Akmol, for this very helpful information! It is really very kind of you to share it with us!
Have a great day!
Hi, a super post. Irv.