Tony Robbins UPW 2018 - The Ultimate Success Formula Day 2 part 1


Here is Day 2 Part 1:

“There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any Vision, Dream, or Desire a Reality. My Life’s quest has been awaken this force and help each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that resides within us all.”

~ Tony Robbins

Introduction to Neuro-Associative Conditioning:

Learn strategy in getting how to get anything & everything you want:

The Ultimate Success Formula:

. (1) Know your outcome (Clarity/Specificity Is power!!!) 

. (2) Know your reasons why (Why is it a must?) 

. (3) Take Massive Actions 

. (4) Know what are you getting 

. (5) Change your Approach – When you change your approach, sometimes it doesn’t immediately change & get to the direction you want, you just need to keep changing your approach until you get what you want!!! 

- Coaches might not be better in what they are coaching but they can see & lead you to the right direction.

4 words that will activate your memory of this entire event:

. (1) Perception 
- Perspective

. (2) Physiology 
- Body language

. (3) Rapport (Connecting with other people, easily communicate with them and move them 
to the direction you want them to) 

. (4) Strategy (consistently producing the results) 

The Power of BELIEFS:

A Belief is a feeling of Certainty about what something means. Everything in our life is shape by beliefàour belief of certainty

3 Beliefs for lasting Success:

(1) It Must Change Now

(2) I Must Change it Now

(3) I Can Change it Now

Remember: The Past doesn’t equal to the Future unless you live there.

- You only fail when you quit, as you will always learn something even if you fail. 

- Training never stop when you want an extraordinary life. 

- What have stop you from getting Progress? All progress come from breaking the


- Only 2 things can change you, Pleasure & Pain, people do more to avoid Pain.

- Whatever you believe in who you are, you will become who you believe you are!

3 Steps to Lasting Change:

1. Get Leverage - If you Can’t You Must!!! 
Change is never a matter of ability, it is always a matter of motivation. When you get leverage, Change will become a Must!!!

2. Interrupt/Annihilate the Limiting Pattern

3. Create a New Empowering Pattern, Reinforce it until it becomes a habit.

Change is never a matter of ability. It is always a matter of motivation.

“One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes asuccess of his life.”

- Edward B. Butler

The Driving Force: The Science of Momentum

Momentum is a Forward motion with energy.

Human Momentum is forward motion with emotion.

Step 1: Put yourself in a Peak State

Step 2: Find Your Passion!

Step 3: Decide, Commit & Resolve!

Step 4: Take Immediate, Intelligent, Consistent & Massive Action!

Step 5: Be S.M.A.R.T. (Strategy - Measure - Assess - Reinforce - Take New Action)

Find your Passion:

(1) What do you Love?

(2) What do you hate?

(3) What are you passionate about?

(4) What do you really want?

(5) What really drives you in life?

Decide, Commit & Resolve!

. (1) What are the 2 Decisions you made in the past that have positively shaped your life? How did they change your life for better? What finally got you to decide? 

. (2) What are the 2 decision you are committed to making now & how will they powerfully improve life forever? 

The 5 Keys to Asking Intelligently:

(1) Ask Specifically

(2) Ask Someone who can help you

(3) Create Value for Person you’re asking

(4) Ask with focused congruent Belief

(5) Ask until you get what you want

Focus = FeelingWhat to Focus On - Past vs. Present vs. FutureIf you want to change how you feel immediately, change what you are focusing on.

Depressed = 100% focus on what you don’t haveMeaning = Emotion = Life

Two Forces Affecting Our Decisions: Blueprint & State

The 5 to Thrive:

Closing the Gap:

(1) What results are you committed to creating in your life financially? 
What is your ultimate target? What are you committed to achieving? What kind of lifestyle are you committed to creating?

(2) Where were you before you made this psychological shift?

(3) Now it’s time to close the gap. What specific actions can you take to begin to close the 
gap between where you’ve been and where you’re committed to being now? 

RapportStyle is more important than substance initially.

Mirroring: Words, Tone, Tempo, Posture, Gesture, Facial Expressions, Eye Contact, Breathing,Proximity

X Factor:

X Factor is to find an unique intangible value that goes beyond what anybody can measure. This is your success factor to your business

3 Things that can hold you back are:

(1) Failure to Anticipate the road ahead

(2) Lack of Follow through

(3) Your own Psychology/Mindset

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A blueprint for success Kai, thanks for sharing your insights much appreciated.

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