Enjoy the journey, plan for the long term and measure from the starting line.
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to take a minute and share my progress and what I've already learned in a few short weeks.
Lesson 1: With no audience, nothing sells.
I am in the process of building my website http://therunnerreview.com and have to constantly remind myself of the big picture goal. I've recently exchanged the idea of pumping in a bunch of products to try and make a quick buck via datafeed for focusing on building an audience through genuine content. All the products in the world are worthless without traffic and organic traffic only comes from quality content. I just completed my second post, have a few pages and will be writing my first review in the next couple days.
As mentioned above, I want my content to be genuine and will be reviewing my latest running shoe purchase. Please stop by this weekend and check it out or follow me on g+ to get all the recent posts in your feed. https://plus.google.com/+JustinPratt80
Lesson 2: Goals are great, but measure from the starting line.
This is a mental lesson I use when running a long race. I find if I focus on how far the finish line is, I forget just how far I've come. I would love to make that first sale, the break even point and eventually make enough to quit my day job and that time will come. However, if I let those goals be how I measure my success, I am destined to get depressed when things start out. No, I may not be making $$ or generating much traffic, but I did create a site, write some awesome content, get some great tips and found a great community. The finish line is far away, but my starting point is getting further away by the day.
Lesson 3: Enjoy the journey
If you don't enjoy what your doing, do something else. IT IS just that simple. Enjoy building your site, relish in new content and learning. Personal growth will come before financial growth.
I thank you for the read and look forward to interacting with you either here on WA or on my site.
- Justin P
Recent Comments
Thanks for sharing your experience and lessons learned. I'm pretty new here, so it's great to hear this type of advice.