The long road ahead
I get it. I can see what the path looks like, I just need to slow down. So what does that mean. WA is a great opportunity to helping me (and you) make money. Build a website, know your niche and keywords, link to an audience that would be attracted to your niche and link that audience to a product. I'm just feel like I have so many holes to getting there that it can be overwhelming in how many things you need to think about. The other challenge is what I can see. The internet is not tangible therefore it's not clear the what direction I'm going in or what rabbit hole did I fall into and completely missed the focus. So at this point like anything else where things get to challenging I say, "don't worry, it will all work itself out". It's like the 20/20 rule of hind site, if I only knew then what I know now. The cool thing with WA is time is relative, eventually we will all get there. Just don't give up. I have been very appreciative to the help I have been getting here at WA and look forward to sharing what I learn as well. GO TEAM!
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Just go with those rabbit holes one at a time at a steady pace and be successful in this journey Julia!:)