Integrity Through the Door!

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Recently, I wrote a comment on a WA members' website and he changed the message completely. I decided to use this forum to encourage us to be honest. Yes, some of us need to make money in a hurry, but let us be our brothers' keepers also.

I have an online presence and integrity is at the heart of everything that I do. This Jason Forsyth changed my message to reflect that I have children bothering me to purchase what he is promoting. My God! I don't have any children left! My one child died going two years now!

Please see below for my response to Jason:

"Jason, I am so disappointed. You wrote the message below as coming from me, by adjusting my earlier message. This is wrong and totally false Jason.

I do not have any children left on earth and I am sure I am not losing it, sir. When people who know me see this, then they will question my integrity. My one child died and you wrote the message below:

"Josephine Jennifer Crawford
April 29, 2021 at 2:21 am
Hi Jason. My kids are keen to take up kitesurfing and have been annoying me to get them boards. Thanks for sharing the info and will check the boards out.


Please remove it from your website immediately!"

I know it is the real world, but this makes me both sad and sick. It is outright disgusting and this is not the Wealthy Affiliate I know. Jason, please desist from that despicable behavior.

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As members of Wealthy Affiliate, we pride ourselves in our sense of integrity. What this perpetrator did is out of character with our training down here at WA and downright despicable.
I sympathize with you on your loss.

I appreciate your comments. Thank you for your kind words. He removed it yesterday. I pray he will not do this to anyone else. All the best.

Josephine, I agree with you 100%. We have no right to rewrite other people's work. It is dishonest and you never know when your words may hurt in a way you wouldn't realize. I know how you feel, Josephine, I lost my son 3 years ago and I understand your pain.
Correcting a misspelling is one thing, but rewriting a comment because you don't like what someone wrote is way out of line. If you don't like the comment, don't accept it.

I appreciate you comment Barbara. All he had to do was to reject my comment. I would haven given him a different one, if he asked.

Sorry to hear about your son and I pray that you are coping.

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