A Success in the smallest way
I'm not here to say " Hey look I finally made money yet" because I havent I'm still working my way towards that. I realized something today though. While working away at my computer I realized that I hardly looked at my keyboard. This is hardly something to gloat about I know as this is a skill we all learn in school but I'm one of those people who can type faster looking at where all the keys are.
I've always been proficient with a computer but typing has never been my strong suit. I still look at the board sometime if I mess up enough but I'd say that 90% of the time here I am just typing away not even realizing that I am just going. Working online and building a website has also helped me improve not only my spelling but my grammar. I almost failed my grade 12 english class but here I am rocking the english language. I know I'm not perfects I still make lots of mistakes I don't have proper grammar but I am getting better at it and for me that is a huge step towards being successful.
So I want you to do is take a look at something you've been successful with today. Maybe you finally got that projects finished or maybe you've just realized that you've gotten better at a skill that you have been trying to improve. Taking a look at the positive things that happen throughout the day can help to make the bad things seem not as important.
A little positivity can go a long way.
Recent Comments
Positivity is far more valuable in this life than we give it credit for,so thanks for this :) Congrats on that acheivement, it's awesome! My small success for today is that I figured out how to make my header fixed on my theme :D I'm not a code person, so that was pretty thrilling. I actually shouted when it worked, and then couldn't make anybody understand why I was so excited ;)
That's great!! Congrats on getting it working :)