Goals & Competition


Do you have goals?
I believe everyone should set goals for themselves in all aspects of life, but especially in business. Having a goal gives you something to work towards. Goals give you a reason to work to achieve. Achieving your goals gives you a feeling of pride and elation. When you reach those goals you should make new ones. You should always be in the process of making and achieving your goals.

Do you like to compete?
I believe in being a strong competitor. But my competitiveness is not directed towards others. My competition is against myself. Why do I compete against my self instead of someone else? It is my belief that I have nothing to prove to anyone else, but myself. If I can beat my previous best then I know I can continue to grow as an individual and as a business person. I don't need to compete with someone else to prove that I am good at something or the best at it, I need to compete against myself to prove to myself that I am always being the best me that I can be.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you have goals? Here is a real thought for you. Who are you competing against and why are you doing it?

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Thank you for sharing your story and I agree that positive thinking is very important to success in all things. It is wonderful to hear you are doing well now and just stay positive.

Goals are essential to keep you focused when life gets crazy and hectic. I post mine on the wall or beside my laptop where I can see them. Never hurts to review what we are st riving to reach. That, along with a major dose of the Power of Positive Thinking. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you direct your mind and body forward and think positive about your goals. It does work on other things too. I had cancer surgery in 1985, my doctor talked to me about the Power of Positive Thinking and he said if you think in a positive way,your body will react in a positive way. I am healthy and happy and have been since my surgery and I believe that I achieve more with my positive mental thoughts.

Very well said Dave. I agree that you must have a plan of action to attain those goals and you must work the plan. Without commitment and action a goal merely becomes a dream and not a goal.

I also believe that goals are an absolute necessity if we are to be successful. However, goals are only accomplishments that we want to achieve...we must have a plan of action (a realistic, doable, set of steps) and must commit to working that plan in order to reach the goals. LEARN and DO! Taking action is the means to achieving success. Best of luck to you :)

Hi - interesting post
I too like to compete against myself, but sometimes I think it can lead to too much introspection.

You don't necessarily push yourself as far as you could competing against yourself even if you think you do. You can easily compete against others without them being aware of it and do it in a perfectly healthy way

So I like to do both.

I'm a coach and yes - I think goal setting is important - but taking action more so.

Best wishes


You make a very good point BIS to much introspection can be unhealthy and yes I think your right a little private competition doesn't hurt. Thank you for your insightful thoughts.

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