Day 21: Took a little timeout + promised talk about neural pathways
Hey what's up people ?
Hope you are doing good today !
I took a little forced timeout, but now I'm back with 120%.
I wanted to talk about neural pathways.
first of all, what are neural pathways ?
Wikipedia will help me explain it ;)
right here we got a quiet good explanaition of the function.
Why are we talk about it anyway?
We want to remember the 4 steps of learning:
Unconscious Incompetence - don't know what you don't know
Conscious Incompetence - know what you don't know
Conscious Competence - know what you know
Unconscious Competence - auto pilot
(for further details check my Blog-post "Day 16: Your Wish Is Your Command")
So, how are neural pathways related to the 4 steps of learning ? very simple, by doing something competently over and over again - it becomes internalized to your neural pathways. Keep that in mind.
You have the ability to build up your neural pathways, by doing something competently over and over again
that also means, that if you disregard something for a long period of time, the neural pathways for that action shrink, they probably just die after a very long period.
And when I say long period, then I implement the relativity of the terms period as well as long, It just depends on what kinda action you practice.
For example you are watching Tv every day an hour and you are also smoking like crazy.
You quit both, you throw out the Tv and stop to smoke.
You probably miss watching Tv for the first week, but after that you ain't even think about that, you have builded up a new neural pathway, by doing something diffrent in the time where you have been watching Tv before. You maybe go jogging, or working in the internet, or whatever.
You defnetly will miss the cigarrets. After a week, you can't stand to stand next to someone who smokes.
seariously I've been through this, there are exaptions as always.
After maybe still a month you can hardly stand next to someone smoking. Maybe still a year after you quit you miss it. Probably you won't because you see all the positiv changes within your health and your body but before that it's just hard.
- the neural pathways are still too strong, they are to big, and thats just it. you have to create new neural pathways, and this knowledge made me Active, since I wasn't a victim of the circumstances no more. I am responsible for every action I take and for every action I don't take !
Stop doing things that won't help you reaching your goals, get rid of it, most of it you won't even miss, replace it by productive stuff, progress is what feels the best !
So please be productive, we got so many time to spend, why aren't we spending it for ourselves to improve us ? Always on the hunt to do everthing but the stuff that can give us a push in life,
One last thing, I've got to mention. When I say "us", and stuff like that I of course only talk to those wearing the same shoe.
That's it for today, been a lot. If it gets confusing at any part, please let me know. I pretty much just made it freestyle, which might be not the best way :P
gonna overlook it tomorow though.
Have a nice day people !
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Good post
Thanks !