Passive income sources are real


Passive Income Sources are possible.

Where to begin getting a passive income source? There are a number of ways developing a passive income source and there is a lot of material on the internet available. There are websites regarding buying property and renting for profit. Not a bad idea if you already have a substantial amount of cash and are looking to invest. However since the GFC property has taken a bit of a battering and renting properties can entail a great deal maintenance and bookkeeping that may end up being for little return. You could rely on the equity increase in value of the property, but this is not a readily accessible source of a passive income. Your rent return may need to be put back into the property juts to keep it and your equity is untouchable till you sell. So this really is not an ideal passive source of income.

Sources of passive income may also come from starting a franchise company where you sell franchises for a price then contract the franchisees to pay you a commission on their work. You then receive an income as long as they are working and get more work which in a franchise means you have to find the work for them via marketing and canvassing for business. Not very passive if you want to make an income. You have to be involved directly in running the businesses and you can not afford to sit back and passively await for the cash to just appear. You have to be active and take charge of all the processes and oversee the products and franchisees. That all sounds very draining and not very passive at all. Hard work is not an essential ingredient of making a passive income.

The methods of reaching a passive income already mentioned do have a lot of value and given the right circumstances you can achieve a return, it;s just not passive. If you want an income source that is truly passive and by that I mean a way to make money while you are asleep, travelling, going to the beach, enjoying time with friends and doing the things you enjoy, then there is a way.

Passive income sources are fast becoming the number one way to make money and we are learning everyday what it takes to truly make a passive income. Where is this "pot of gold?" Well put simply you're on it. Huh? Yeah we are in the same spot. We see it in front of us everyday in every way and yet we see nothing. The internet is that end of the rainbow. Everyday billions use it to communicate, play games, and BUY products. You can become a part of that. Read on.

We are beginning to understand the essentials of making a passive income and it is all on the internet. Think about it, the market reach on the internet is Billions, not 100's or thousands but BILLIONS.

We have never had as much potential to reach a market with our goods and services as we have now. Far reaching way to make a passive income source. It doesn't take much to understand that a small percentage of this potential would be enough to sustain a very healthy income. It's like an endless stream of money being pushed around on the WWW and everyone can have some if they know where to look. Imagine waking up in the morning and logging into your bank account watching it increase just by doing some simple tasks that may take as little as one hour per day. How do you jump into this stream of money and pull it not your bank account? As we said before we are beginning to understand.

We have learnt that you must have a product/passion that you either have or can acquire enough information about to share with the world. What is it? Ask yourself "What can I do for hours on end without tiring or ever thinking of it as work? Gardening, painting, reading books, dog training, building websites? What? All these subjects have potential to make a passive income on the internet.

Once you work out what your passion or niche is go for it. This is what you do

  1. Get on the internet find out as much as you can about your subject
  2. Start writing about it every day of possible do it in a blog. Become entrenched in it.
  3. Check out words that people use to find out about your subject. When you write use these same words. That way people will find you. I did a blog on FB negatives. I have 425 hits so far. It's like signpost that I am heading in the right direction. Words are the key to success in making a passive income.
  4. Build a website that is an extension of your writings. Again the website should reflect all the words that people will use to find you.
  5. Join social networks and write. Comment, post information let the world know you are in the flow and ready to receive it. You are probably already on Facebook or Twitter and doing this, Use it to begin creating a passive income source. If you don't know enough about your Niche, find out more. The internet is brimming full all within your grasp.
  6. Find products that are related to your niche, E.G. gardening niche you can resell Amazon books related to Gardening.
  7. Write everyday. Keep up with your niche, become authoritative. Become the source for your area of passion.
  8. DO NOT GIVE UP!! This is the most important part. We have tried a lot of schemes and have failed over and over again, because we gave up. We didn't give the niche time to work. Well we are learning that all good things take time. You need to power through, no matter what. The Romans were ultimate achievers when in battle. One of the main reasons was that they were famous for "Holding the Line!" never faltering in their quest for victory. Bit cliche'd but you have to hold the line. Keep going. The rewards are waiting for you. Take them.
Get it now? Maybe not. Everything I have written here is true as night follows day. This blog is not so much directed at you, but more at me. Reminding me that I can do it and will do it.

If you are interested in learning what I am learning about a passive income sources and how the internet creates passive incomes for people globally, join me here at wealthy affiliates. There is an abundance of knowledge from people that are achieving passive incomes everyday. Join me and we will do it together.

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Recent Comments


This is a great article and such a good idea to put it here. Thanks for sharing.


Brilliant way you put it accross, Nice one!

Thanks for sharing this, man!

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