Finally Know A Gender
Hey folks,
A few weeks back in chat I let slip that our daughter Jasmine was finally talking to us again and had big news, she was several months pregnant with a Due Date of February 6th 2025. Today she was able to find out a gender and it's a baby girl. We are so blessed to have this addition to the family and hope and pray she is a lot easier on her mother than any of our kids have been. 7 was a challenge.
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Congratulations, Grandpa! Enjoy your grandchild while sh's young and trainable. That's when they are the best thing that can happen to a parent!
Congratulations Andy,
Enjoy the baby stages while you can,
they grow up far too quickly, :)
Yes but grand-parenting sounds cool, the whole you can send them home thing sounds like a blessing lol.
Gonna be fun, now to raise some diaper money as the momma to be has no clue how much that will save her.
Tell Jasmine that she will be feeling the greatest power of all around February 6th 2025.
Maxine :)
Power and fear all at once as I remember all too well. The blend of new life met with how do we keep from breaking her.
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