Not As Easy As I Thought
When I started in the beginning of December I thought to myself, this is going to be easy! Just complete the training and the money will start rolling in! I'm not saying that won't happen but I now realize it's not as easy as all the online advertisments make it seem. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and motivation to keep going. Especially when you're stuck and pulling your hair because you don't understand how something is to be done. Thank goodness for the live chat because help is always there!
I have completed all of my training and even though I am still confused about somethings and still need to learn a lot about the website, keywords and traffic. I know if I dedicate my days and work as if I had a regular 9-5 I may be able to get my site to start paying off a lot sooner. For now, my goal is to at least have my site pay for my monthly premium member's fee. I know that will keep my hubby happy for now. I am hoping to one day soon be able to post my success story on the WA forum. Even though I am done with all three training sessions, I know I still have a lot to learn. I know all the hard work will pay off soon.
If anyone has any success stories they would like to share I would really like to read them.
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This is exactly how i feel, im struggling w keywords my self i just keep re-reading the lessons over slowly....we'll get there, dont worry, one day at a time!
That's all we can do. The good thing about the WA community is that help is always available.