Creatures Of Eternity, Trapped Into The Envelop Of Time On Earth.



Posted by GODSTRONG on June 18, 2021

All that you have, All that you aspire to get, and all that you don't have is transient, for none of them lasts forever. That which is earthly ends here and that which is eternal is eternal.

Etymologically, man is a creature of eternity, trapped into the envelope of time on earth with only one way out and that way is Death. Yet Christians would say two ways, adding 'Rapture'.

Everything here is under time and vanishes with time, including our life on earth because it is given and can be taken obliviously. consequently, keep away from getting over-attached to human beings or things. Relationships alternate as a result of time and experience. humans change with time. from time to time you can't lay the blame on anyone as situations also can be a major purpose for change of heart, mind, or soul.

Live to the fullest. Do what is right and serve your God no matter your predicaments. Continue to reach your goal, keeping in mind that the past will always remain in the past and your present will soon be your past. So to make your future better, have a good present by learning from the past.

One tends to stagnate physically and emotionally when one holds on to people or things too closely. Give yourself space to move, breathe, and think. Do not clutter your life by hoarding things or even people. One day you will be forced to set them all free

What you need are just essentials in this world, the rest are luxuries. The same thing goes with your relations. What you need to value is true relations the rest are just passing phases that rarely hold ground. They are passing experiences. They should not hold importance. Only then you will live your life with the true spirit of freedom. Do not hold on to unnecessary relationships or things. They are all cumbersome in your journey of life. Since nothing lasts forever, keep only that which is close to your heart, the rest is superfluous. Only then can you have a carefree yet meaningful life.

I dedicate this to all those that lost their loved ones in one way or the other.

it's a reminiscing weekend for me. Memorial to my late soulmate.

thanks for your comments.

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May you find comfort in the memories of the times you shared with your loved one. thank you for dedicating this write up to all of us who have lost loved ones. I feel your pain, I have been through it too.
May Christ comfort you.

I can feel you through your message, losing the love one is the most hurtful feeling, yet in the end you accepts that they were in more peaceful place then your heart lift the sorrow and you end up saying rest in peace!

Nice to know you are not alone, good blog!


Thanks so much joce for the care. I really appreciate. The truth is that ones first love is always the first. Though I can not say for others, but for me, Helen was the best part of me and so irreplaceable. Though my wife at present tries a lot and also gave me a daughter and a son, yet the I found out its difficult for me to leave enough love for her the way I had with Helen of cool, quiet, loving memory. Thanks so much Joce.

You are welcome!

None of us easy to forget the first one but rest assure that always been part of your life and not only that one day we all meet again!
May you find peace in your heart!

Helen got a special spot in your heart, alas can't change that no matter what the situation. I learn that for the matter of human nature, we got huge heart to love everyone who comes in our life as we go along into this world!

Happy father's day!


Take care, the gift of time with a loved one can give purpose to life. A very soulful post, thank you for sharing.

Thanks so much Mr Alex. My late would have me be on bed while she does every work. She would even drag the pant i wore the previous day out of my waist to wash it and always set her eyes on me while I dress for functions.
Her love was second to non, then she left me with our boy. Still grateful to God and Thanks sir for dropping by.

It's normal to feel this way; I feel the sorrow, the pain.
Please ensure you take care of yourself, do what you love doing most, talk to someone.
And with time, you will get over the pain.
Wishing you continued success.

Thanks so much Muslimah. I just observed a memorial service for my late wife Helen with my present wife Esther and my two kids Adora Nora and Greathonour Emmanuel. Yes the love of my late wife made me lazy because she does all the works in and out of the house. Now in my present marriage, I have to start learning to do house chores and even babysitting. Thanks so much for being here.

I can feel the sadness in your blog
Condolences to your soulmate
I feel your pain

Hopefully you will be able to replace the tears and sadness with former memories

I wish you success on your journey

thanks, Simone. it is not easy to forget those we love so much that went into the great beyond. today marks the 7th year since she faded away. OUR GOD IS STILL GOOD TO ME.

May God continue to keep you and lift you up

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