Success is Relative

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Why Did I Say That?

Well, because it's true. One person's success may not be a success for someone else. Or, becoming successful in one aspect of life may not apply to all aspects of life.

I'm a prime example of this. Let me explain.

I'm under the impression that there are somewhere around 1.5 million members of Wealthy Affiliate.

I'm currently ranked at number 191. I'm in the top 200.

That puts me in the top 1.27% of members here at WA.

I'm a 1 percenter!

I'm happy about it, but it doesn't mean I'm earning a great online income. Not yet.

High rank at WA doesn't translate into financial success online.

I'll be happier when I'm in the top 2% of earners online. By the way, I've never chased rank here at WA, it just comes with activity.

I'm concerned, though, about that number. It sorta tells me that there are a lot of people here who are inactive.

Being inactive in the community might mean you're inactive online with your website, which is a show stopper when it comes to earning an income.

Don't get me wrong. I know there are a lot of people who are concentrating on their websites instead of posting in the community, and my hat's off to them. They've got their priorities right.

It's the people who don't do either one who concern me.

If you're one of those, you have a decision to make. Let me encourage you to make a choice about priorities. Decide to become successful and then go do it.

The only person stopping you from success is you.

I'd enjoy hearing from you on the subject. Leave me a comment.

I'm Grant

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It depends on the stage you are in life. In my case, I know that in 2021, if a get there, I will be maybe 1 hour/day here in the community. So is not just WA. Each one of us came for some reason. At my age, 62 now, you have a very different perspective of what is success.

Thanks for your post, Grant.


HI, Len, and thanks for your comment. It's true that our perspectives change as we get older.

I never chase WA rank. I fade in/out of Ambassador. It's all in where you are in life. For me, I'm retired and while extra money is great (to feed my hobbies), I don't need WA money to eat. I get sidetracked doing other things but LOVE the WA community and all it has to offer. So, success to me is living my life, writing when I can and interacting with so many people all over the world.

You hit the nail on the head. Success is all in your perspective.


Great post, Debbi. I also have retirement income outside of WA, but would like to earn more for things not covered by what I get now. Thanks for checking in.

Thank you Grant, you make a valid point, there are as many variations of success as there are people on WA.
I think some people fall in love with the idea of success until they realise that it takes work. They find that they are going to have to do some research and some writing and some promotional stuff. They begin to realise its not going to happen over night and they get discouraged.
That is why we have so many members and they are not all as active as they need to be to succeed.
It is a pity because the people who who do make it do so because they do the work and trust the system.

Best wishes and stay safe.

Do the work and trust the system. Very true words, my friend.

I guess the measure of success in our neo-classical world is the money in someone's bank account. One of the things we do not value is the knowledge or the ability to generate an income.

It is almost like we are in a constant state of transition.

Everything is relevant, as long as we as individuals have a clear and concise, view and focus on what we are doing.

What suits one does not suit another, so it is always the individual that sets the course. That is up to each and every one of us.

It is about finding that balance that works for us.

Wealthy Affiliate without the community that has evolved around it would be just like every other, linear educational platform.

People make WA what it is, so get involved is what I say, if anything it will make you richer at the end of the day.

Nice comment, Alex. Thanks for taking a moment out of your valuable time to write it, and I agree with you.

Good post Grant. At WA we can have our cake and eat too should we desire. Not having, nor eating the cake could leave one unfulfilled.


Hi, Greg. Don't mention cake. I'm trying to lose weight.
Grant :-)

Oops, sorry. Does that mean I can have yours??? Lol


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