The Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer


The Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer:

Is an alternative treatment for breast cancer worth the attention of the women who are in harm's way of this dreaded malady? The need to address such a relevant issue comes from the present experiences of breast cancer patients and their families who have been affected by and exposed to the harsh realities of conventional therapy. Certainly it is a polarizing topic that may run counter to the existing protocols of the established medical community. However there were empirical data gathered from extensive experiments and studies conducted by a group of doctors and experts that reinforced the growing support for this type of treatment.

The toxic effect and dehumanizing inadequacies of current conventional therapy created growing doubts among those who directly or indirectly lived through the ordeal. But that liberty to introduce preferences for other cancer cures was discouraged and dismissed in spite of their potential and even proven advantages. This compelled the afflicted and their loved ones to surrender to recommended standards, that can guarantee nothing more than their low percentage of recovery.

There were no other choices. Until now.

The Challenge

Life threatening illnesses, such as breast cancer, can challenge any patient's predisposition. The information and knowledge from past real experiences tend to promote a sense of urgency and desperation. In such a compromised situation, by instinct, one is driven to try anything, grab at anything that gives hope, however small and fragile. And why not. You are virtually at death's door. What is there to lose? If indeed some rumored alternative breakthroughs have performed miracles for others, then why not you?

It may not be published in medical journals but the global reach of the internet is now a routine interface in the living rooms and avails all every data in the electronic planet that relates to the alternative remedies that break their way into the open. This gives rise to a better understanding of the alternative treatment for breast cancer.

The challenge is in selecting the correct application for the individual need. It is essential to keep an open mind. The alternative treatment/s for breast cancer or for any type of cancer is not a panacea. And there is no correct application. There are risks involved. The patient has to take control of his life. Perhaps the best decision is for her/him, the family, and a receptive physician to brainstorm this approach to find a viable solution.

The Choices

This is where the patient studies and analyzes choices available in alternative medical journals, advertised in the internet, or communicated by friends. Then she decides on one or any with the input of the physician and maintains a discipline to stay positive on the course taken. Perhaps the combination of alternative and conventional medicine presents the most promising method. Today there are more pleasant choices where the knowledge and exposure to this disease are shared by this community of concerned persons. Case studies are abounding and interest is mounting. But before we go into these alternative treatments, here is a true story.

Miss Pamela Hoeppner, a successful entrepreneur of Wellness Alternatives, was diagnosed with an aggressively malignant breast cancer. True to the intentions of her found enterprise and aware of the possible damage and harmful effects of the traditional treatments, she chose an alternative method that documented remarkable past performances. Her trials, her focus, and her successful recovery were the catalyst that inspired her to share her triumphant discovery. She wrote a book, “The Breast Stays Put”, to let the world know there are alternatives that offer treatments not only sensitive to a patient's well­being but also appreciative of the value of human dignity and quality of life.

R. Webster Kehr, a renowned researcher and scientist plowed into the task of compiling the complete protocols that were implemented on breast cancer patients with almost perfect track records.

1. The Cellect­Budwig Protocol – is foremost in the alternative treatment of breast cancer because it leads the field in its immediate effects, tumor shrinkage, alleviation of pain, et al. The expert in support, Mike Vrentas, was in fact responsible for the blueprint of this protocol. He had hands on exposure to advanced breast cancer cases and comprehensive dealings with closely associated issues.

2. The Plasma­Beck protocol – which engages the microbes

3. The Alkaline Diet – to neutralize acidity in foods in the bloodstream, lymph nodes, and within the cancerous cells.

Of note is the use of M.O.P.A. (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) to sustain and ensure the lasting effects of the two protocols above because acidic foods decreases the impact of the primary protocol.

The Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer – Conclusion

The recent advancement in the fields of research and science undertaken by selfless doctors and professionals start to draw the attention of many who were diagnosed with this curse and wanted to confront it head on but without enduring the rigors of surgery and/or chemotherapy. Chemotherapy ruins the person's immune system and makes him/her easily susceptible to infections. Other adverse results come from chemo that will not be touched by this article. The heart of this brief dissertation is to place front and center the availability of the alternative treatment for breast cancer.

There are other complete protocols that prove effective in treating cancer but the three listed here are what we term the “designer protocols” highly recommended by those who actively participated in real life situations. And the research progresses continuously. Soon the value and and merits of its outstanding recorded alternative cures will be the launching platform that will catapult its viral diffusion for the good of humanity.

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Thanks for sharing this. I have never read about this before!

It is my mission to promote awareness about other choices to cancer treatment, Dan. If really interested, look up this site:

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