Taking Stock and Time Out After 50 Years
50 Years is Worth Celebrating
We have just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary and to mark the occasion we took some time for a very overdue holiday. Being farmers time away is a rare pleasure and this was an occasion which I felt we just had to walk away from the farm and the animals for just a week to spend some time together and away from it all.
Unfortunately we both came down with a very severe case of flu and spent most of the time trying to get over it. It is 3 weeks on now and we are still trying to shake off this nasty flu bug. However, it was good to take some time out and reflect over our 50 years which seem to have passed with ever-increasing speed.
Sometimes we need to just step away from routine to get a fresh perspective on what we are doing in our lives, our work and our relationships. We need to reevaluate what is really important and focus on those things first and foremost.
The key to a long and successful marriage is being prepared to work at it and take nothing for granted. There will be ups and downs and all manner of challenges but we can work through them with a positive mindset.
Wealthy Affiliate is Worth Celebrating Too
I took time out from Weathy Affiliate also and in doing so I have come back now with renewed enthusiasm and a new perspective where I will be concentrating my efforts on the more important aspects of my online business. I need to do some serious trimming of excess work load and work more determinedly on the more significant and valuable aspects of my work within WA.
I need to commit time every day to my websites and blog and keep adding content while maintaining my learning with the WA platform. Just like in my marriage of now over 50 years, it needs revitalizing and a strong commitment to make it continue to be a vibrant partnership as we age. There is no room for complacency in our work or our relationships. .
To address the relationship aspect I have decided to ensure that:
1. I spend quality time listening to my husband, every single day.
2. Take good care of my own health and personal appearance
3 Make meal times special with no TV or other distractions.
4. Aim to go to bed by 10: 30 every night
In the same way I have decided to improve my outcomes in Wealthy Affiliate by
1. Allocating at least one hour each morning and each afternoon to working on my websites and training.
2. Explore ways to improve on and better present the work O have already done.
3 Interact more with other members in WA community. We can learn so much from each other.
4. Aim to get adequate sleep and exercise every day and make my time at the computer efficient and without distractions.
Can I Live Up to The Commitment?
Can I live up to these self-imposed expectations? I am not sure but I am going to try. My marriage is very important to me and I also value Wealthy Affiliate and all I have learned through it and from all of you, the WA family.
It won't be easy as always unforeseen events can get in the way of all the best made plans especially when a whole lot of other people are involved. Our children, grandchildren and great grand children and friends are all extremely important to us and if they need us we will be there for them.
Likewise with WA, there will be times when we might succumb to illness or other events which might demand our time and focus. . The important thing is to set goals and be prepared to reset them if and when it is needed. It would be easy to just walk away and give up but that will defeat the whole purpose of being a member of WA . Just like in a marriage we need to determine to work at it and not take anything for granted.
We need to be committed to the end with unwavering determination, not compromising on quality even if we have to compromise on time and in the end we will reap the rich rewards we deserve.
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Congratulations on your anniversary, and thanks for the inspiring post, Frieisa-Alan.