Calmness in the Proceedings
Hey guys! a new day, a new week, a new chance to press towards your goal. Make an ado of small progresses in your journey. Look back and see how far you've come. All good things take time. And remember, it isn't the mountain that wears your out; it's fighting with the pebble in your shoe.
Mountains can be scaled one step at a time. But it's the small things at hand that make a diference in your progress today. Practice ways of writing the same article in different ways, get up 15 minutes earlier, use 10 minutes of quietness to 'center down' and meditate/focus on one specific thing, make a list of specific things that you want to accomplish this week etc. - they will all serve to strengthen and stabilize your focus.
Whatever you do--push ahead
Have an awesome week!
Recent Comments
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad I read this today.