Swag Update: Month 2 - Super Affiliate Training

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Well, this is my first update for the month. As you can see, I am a little behind in my tasks.

Once again, I am not following my own advice, or Kyle's, or anyone else's on Wealthy Affiliate for that matter...

I am spread too thin, and am still trying to work on too many projects at once. Namely, Websites.

I still have my creative writing niche site which I'm still plugging away at. Since I've started the super affiliate training, and my content has decreased for this site, I have noticed a steady but slight decline in my ratings and organic search numbers.

This just proves that consistency is the key, to maintain rankings and the number of organic visitors to your site.

I've also had a crisis of sorts, and am I trying to build another niche site. I know...

This is so naughty of me, and not the right move, from the online business standpoint.

But I NEED to. My life has been so out of focus, and I had lost my connection to earth and spirit. I need to get back to Really helping people.

My new site that I'm contemplating will be based around The Law of Attraction - I guess. It will be about creating the life you want with the power of your mind, and with the overarching goal of raising your vibration and consciousness.

Perhaps I will start out small, and just promote the course I believe can really help a lot of people, then just add to the site gradually, while still trying to complete the Super Affiliate program and maintain my writing site. Can I do it all? Probably not. But I'm still trying anyway...

Wow, there's my introduction, and where my head's at right now. In the rest of this post I will tackle my exact progress in relation to the super affiliate tasks set, the keys things I've learnt since my last update, and some fun tools I've come across this month.

Month 2 Tasks and Status

For those following along, following is the lists of tasks set forward by Kyle for the second month of the super affiliate training:


  • Write and Publish 12 posts for the month
  • Research My Next 30 Keywords

Getting Comments:

  • Offer at least 30 comments in SiteComments
  • Get at least 15 comments (combined) on my existing posts
  • Get 2-5 Comments on EVERY post moving forward
  • Offer a minimum of 5 comments per day on other people’s comments.

Affiliate Links:

  • Incorporate affiliate links into my reviews
  • Link to your WA review from other non-review pages in my site
  • Create a custom banner for a post using Canva


  • Active in chat 20 minutes per day
  • One blog post per week, sharing something of value
  • Help at least 5 people per day within WA


  • Make sure SiteSpeed is turned on
  • Make sure SiteSSL is turned on

What I have accomplished this month:

  • Finally, joined and set up Aweber as my email autoresponder. I imported my current list that I had collected with SumoMe, and had them Double Opt in. I am pretty happy with this progress.
  • To Do: Set up an email campaign - argh! Getting distracted again from writing and posting content!
  • Kyle's way of creating content is Awesome! I love this, and it has really helped me speed up my content creation.

To Create Content the Kyle Way:

Step 1: Research Your 30 Keywords

Step 2: Create Awesome Titles from these Keywords

Step 3: Break down/Outline 12 Articles (your 12 for the month), complete with headings and any notes you think of along the way. Do all your research here too.

Step 4: Then, Write these 12 Articles, using your outline and heading titles.

Step 5: Finally, add Imagery (and any missing links and affiliate links).

When you break it down into each task like this, it really improves you're overall speed of crafting engaging content.

Some Lessons Learnt

  • Keep to a publishing and writing schedule
  • Don't get sidetracked with Shiny New Objects.

(I've been distracted for a few days with Viral Marketing, and sillily bought into an app. I am thinking of getting a refund, as it's just not performing as well as I had hoped. KEY LESSON LEARNT: Just write awesome content lol

  • Don't buy anymore "tools" until I'm making enough money to cover it

Beneficial Tools

Buffer Social Media Tool and Pablo by Buffer

One thing I hadn't realized until two days ago was, that the social media tool Buffer, which I use, and just recently upgraded to the paid version, since I'm promoting more than one site now, has a pretty cool image creator, which is perfect for creating quick and easy images to use in your social media accounts and in your blog posts.


Buffer is an excellent tool for social media scheduling, if you haven't checked it out yet. They have a pretty good free version, which I've been using until last week, when I upgraded, so I could schedule my Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp site too.

What I especially like about Buffer, is that you can add a tool bar extension, which you can click on any web page, and it will pop up the buffer template, where you can share the current page with your linked social media accounts. You can share immediately, or you can "buffer" them - schedule them for later :)

This buffer tool is actually how I quickly share my new posts on my sites. Whenever I post a new article, I click the Buffer tab and I create my GooglePlus, Twitter and Facebook Page posts. I create the Google Plus one according to Jay's special instructions (most of the time:)). And there - I quickly set up sharing my new posts. I usually schedule them for about 9am LA time.

The Pablo Tool - by Buffer

Pablo is a fun little app nested within the Buffer framework, created to help you create social media images.

It is a simple and quick tool for creating visually stunning images to use within social media and your posts. It works with Unsplash; all the images found in Pablo are from there, and come with the same Creative Commons Zero License that Unsplash uses.

There is a chrome browser extension available too, for those of you using Chrome. I haven't tried it out yet, but if it's a simple to use as the Buffer extension and Pablo is, then it will surely be another great little tool.

Note - I don't think there is a save function for saving your designs (unlike Canva) so download when your done!

This new tool is free to everyone - even those without a Buffer account. Here are the details on Buffer's F&Q.

Here's one I created in a couple of minutes:

(Let me know what you think of it? I'm using it for a viral marketing campaign)

Well, that about sums up my progress and what I've learnt so far this month.

Have you come across any new awesome tools that you like to share? Please comment below.


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Hi Erica,
Thanks for sharing your progress and thoughts.


Hi Erica! You have really been keeping it busy. My, my
this is awesome, and I am truly excited for your progress.

Thank you, Louisa, I really appreciate that:)

The keyword research part and creating all the compelling titles is a new twist and very helpful. Have to catch up with my content but will get as close as possible. My rankings here has fallen back as well, but I see the need to focus on my website so is not such a big deal.

Thank you for the Pablo tool to help with my social media images. That is another part of my business that is on the back burner. thank you for the insights, Erica.

No worries - I'm glad I could help. I am super excited about finding Pablo. It's so easy. The only thing I forgot to mention, is that I don't think you can save your designs like you can in Canva.

I still like Canva, It is what I was using before finding Pablo. Pablo just seems simpler to use. Plus it actually gives you the right sizes for Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, for free.

Yes, it's good to have the long view in mind - in term of rankings. I guess we can't be perfect all - or even most of the time. As long as we are making some progress on our websites, we should feel pretty good about ourselves:)

Well done to us, Bishop!

Happy Writing!

Thank you for the update.

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