Picking a Niche

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So here I am spinning my wheels on picking a niche that I am passionate about. I thought I had one but it turned out to be a flop. It was about weight loss surgery, but I find that my keywords are being used by medical doctors and webMD and the like. Too much competition.

I have the perfect domain name chosen and bought. But now I have to figure out how to still use this domain name. I do not want to waste it because I know there is something I can use it for.

I'm racking my brain to choose a niche and I'm really getting discouraged. I don't know if I'm cut out for this affiliate marketing thing. I'm no expert with computers, so doing podcasts and video blogs are inconceivable. And if I do find a niche I can do, then what?

I'm so lost right now! I have seen and read information about finding a niche but to no avail. I don't want to quit, but I'm afraid that if I can not find a niche or even know how to do this affiliate marketing thing, I just may have to hang up the towel.

I'm going through the training but had to stop because I haven't solidified a niche yet. I'm grasping at straws here.

Has anyone gone through what I am experiencing, and if so, how did you overcome it? Please, any help would be appreciated.


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Hang in there Dee, Keep on training. Pick your niche, and I can almost guarantee after you go through the training, you will understand it all better and have changed your approach. But don't stop because you can't do one thing. I had to push ahead and then come back and re-evaluate things to continue.


Hi Doris. Check out my list for some ideas. Jim

Hi Dee...Keep working at it and you'll find the right niche or the right part of a niche that's best for you. The training here will help you. Stanley also shared his post which should also be helpful. Sometimes we don't know what will work until we try it, interact with our audience and find out more about what they need and want. Colleen

Hello Dee,

It is best to stay away from medical and pharmaceutical licensed required niche unless you have the licenses.

You can come close to it by being very clear what your niche is like natural weight loss, or eating healthy etc.

You can read my blog post on choosing a niche.

What about the before and after of weight loss surgery, or what about medications associated with it, or does really work, or what to eat before and after the surgery. Some suggestions. Hope this helps.

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