How to Sell - A beginners guide


So you want to sell?.Selling to the general public can be quite daunting if you've never done it before.I want to share a few tips and tricks that may be helpful.

Do Your research

Before you even attempt to sell something do your research:

  1. Who is your customer
  2. What is it THEY want
  3. Where are you going to sell it
  4. Why are you selling it

These questions are crucial to a successful sale, if you miss one of these steps out you will find yourself struggling,because if you don't know who,what,where and why,how do you expect your customer to know?

The 5 step selling process

There a 5 steps to a successful sale:

  1. Warm up
  2. The presentation
  3. The Close
  4. The sale
  5. The consiladation

First the warm up,this is finding out about your customer,what they like, who they are,what sort of things there interested in,the warm up is all about them,ASK QUESTIONS ,people really do like to talk about themselves! By asking questions it opens up a whole lot of information.

The presentation's next,this bit is about you,who you are,what you've got,where you have it,and why its good for the customer(see the pattern here?).Now because you've asked all about them,you should have all the answers on why your product will meet all there needs and requirements

The close next,So you've warmed them up,you've presented your products,you've meet all there needs and requirements,they like you,so there going to buy right?Wrong!You need to bring it to a conclusion first,because when you ask for the money you're going to get 'I need to think about it' I haven't got time' or I'll get back to you' ,EXCUSES,EXCUSES,EXCUSES.So how do we get around this, the answer is ask more questions,for example 'So apart from the price is there any other reasons why you wouldn't purchase the product? This is asked before you hit them with the price,by asking this question it opens up more dialogue and gives you the opportunity to ask more questions and address the issues.What your'e trying to do is to bring it to one single logical reason and usually it's always the money,but by doing it this way you have disarmed the customer by taking away all the excuses.

Now its time to ask for the money,be confident be excited ,you're giving them a good deal! Now there either going to say Yes,no or maybe,if its yes ,happy days,if its no or maybe its still happy days this gives opportunity to home your closing skills.Lets start with no,again ask more questions,drill down to the real reason,it's also time to re-hash,go over all the positives for example 'you can use it right?'you can see how it's going to benefit you' again it's the same process as before,after all this you're probably find out it's the money,if its maybe ,same rules apply only this tends to be a quicker process ,there almost saying 'Yes' but not quite' they just need a gentle push in the right direction.

If the answer is still no, it's time either to increase the deal or lower the price,you will have to decide which one it is, but the last resort is you're BEST price,there's still room for negotiating,before you hit your'e rock bottom price.

The sale's next,if you've haven't sold,i'ts not all over ask for referrals,just because it wasn't for them doesn't mean to say they don't know someone else who could use your product.If its yes happy days! but their's more to be had.You now have the opportunity to up-sell them,This is where you offer them further products as an add on or deluxe version,or in the online world 'Funneling'.

Next is another import step that a lot of people either forget to do or don't do enough,this is Consolidation. This is the process of ensuring that the customer has fully understood exactly what,where who and why they have made the purchase.Explain what will happen next, for example when they can expect delivery of there purchase,and what do do in case things go wrong,this will make the customer feel at ease and more likely to recommend and use you again.The last thing you should asks you're customer is 'ANY QUESTIONS'?This should be 'no' if you've done your job properly,but it also ensures that your'e customer has fully understood and is completely happy,This will lead to future sales,and just before you leave them don't forget to as for referrals!

I hope some of this information has been helpful to you ,good luck in the future and don't forget ASK MORE QUESTIONS!

Kind regards


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Sound advice and well presented David, thanks for sharing your insights a post worth sharing.

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