10 Online Marketing terms
How to make money online can be complicated. The last post talked about 3 keys to success for making money online. That is: be consistent, stay focused, and be trainable.
Today I am going to talk about the terminology of the online marketing world. There are over 100 terms related to this subject, but I am only going to list 10 online marketing terms here to keep it simplified.
Ones we hear about
There are some terms that we hear about quite often and most likely words you are familiar with. It may sound over-simplified, but there just may be someone out there that has never heard of these terms.
Search Engine, for example," is a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web". (according to google)
Most of us understand what post is. A page of information on a specific subject we are interested about, but not necessarily anything we have had personal experience with. Putting the post on our website, another familiar term, which is where a page or many pages can be accessed to from the internet. We could also blog, which is very similar to a post, but to me, it is more personal by telling people about experiences with life, events, products, reviews, etc. At least, that is how I understand it. You may let me know what your interpretation is.
Same words- with different meanings
The next set of words are words that we know somewhat by definition but now carry a more specific meaning.
Niche, for example, I used more for the way I found my comfortable place in the workforce. In the online world it is more to specific products, interests or services that relate to a certain population or certain people,
Keyword(s) has a similar meaning, but in the online world it means that these specifics words or small phrases can be found when typed in the search bar to the search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. This is a very important concept to implement when creating content, (a post or blog).
The post or blog that is rich in keywords can be more easily found on the internet. When this often happens enough, the website, blog or post starts getting ranked.

This is a very good thing, because as the ranking goes higher and higher, there will be more and more traffic. (actual people coming to your website!)
Just one more term...for now
What is an affiliate? The dictionary describes it as a person or organization attached to a larger body. In other words, a partner, branch or an offshoot to a larger company like Amazon. There are thousands of companies that use affiliates or partners to help sell the many products they have. Since they decided to market that way, we, the "little people" have a chance to get a little piece of the pie.
Can you see how this jargon can get confusing really fast?
Don't Panic!
If you are new to this as I am, it can get frustrating trying to understand what all this babble means. Don't panic, that is why we are here, to take the mystic out of it all. Even though this is all confusing now, it won't be, as long as you stay consistent, focused and trainable. Soon, you be an expert and will be able to help the next bloke trying to muddle through all these new-found terms.
Bottom Line
The bottom line is: You can do this! Just take it a little at a time. Do one task, set one goal, accomplish one thing. Soon you will see the progress as I am and then the fun really begins! Success is just ahead!
If you have any questions or you would like to leave a comment, I would love to hear from you.
Have a prosperous and blessed day!
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