Is 1% more really enough?
I was watching a video about a week ago and the topic was about knowing 1% more than the target audience. I am not a person who thinks real quick on his feet for a lot of things and this is one of them. I tend to take a while to process information and then come up with an opinion. But this one struck me in a way that has me asking the question in the title: Is 1% more enough?
The 1% more is what the person in the video was suggesting. Knowing 1% more than someone else is enough to create trust or credibility when marketing a product. This person was an affiliate marketing video instructor and his topic was about a golf swing. He stated that knowing 1% more is enough to persuade someone to buy into their training video or ebook. Does knowing 1% more actually translate into great returns? I don't know the answer so I will have to try it out for myself.
If anybody thinks that 1% more is enough please share through your comments and let's see where this goes. Thank you for reading!
Recent Comments
that is one way to look at it,
maybe phrased a different way is how far do you have to be up a ladder before you can help someone below you --
the answer is just 1 rung
same idea as the 1% just a different image to play with
all the best,
I like that. A great twist on how to look at things in a different light. I can see using an image of a ladder and maybe two little kids trying to climb it. Thanks for the idea.
glad it helped, when I first heard it, it clicked right away too!
all the best,